...I am fat - Please Help


Jedi in training
Jul 20, 2010
New York
I am fat.

I am tired of being fat but I am confused as hell of what I am supposed to do.

I have been chubby since 5th grade....fat fat probably 3 years. I am so used to being overweight I actually do now remember how it feels to be skinny.

The thing is I consider myself intelligent enough to figure things out but the diet industry is so fucked up with so much conflicting information I am not sure what is legit and what is actually bad for you.

It seems that there are two schools of thought.
1. Exercise like a maniac, eat 6-8 meals a day (most Fitness / Gym type of diets)
2. Exercise like a wuss, do not eat any carbs. (Primal diet, Caveman diet, Paleo diet)

I keep going to the grocery store trying to buy healthy foods...and they end up rotting in my fridge.

I guess overall I am just unsure about what path I should follow. I really do not want to be a crazy gym rat, but at the same time I realize I would have to change my lifestyle if I wanted to lose weight.

I am 5'10", 293lbs btw :(

Niko my man-
Steel cut oats. (doesn't rot)
Free weights. (F a gym)
Water. (drink propel if you don't like water)
Walk. (20-30 mins, dictate some goals with audacity and put em on your mp3 player)
Sleep. (you know when you feel best, don't burn the candle on both ends)

Get rid of- Smoking, High fructose corn syrups, Processed shit,
Here's how I went from 223lbs to 160lbs in four months.

Eat a piece of chicken once a day.

Walk/Jog two miles a day.

Get over dizzy spells.


EDIT: You said 293.

Oh fuck... My bad...
Start by cutting out all the junk food and increasing activity and the weight will start coming off. Once you've got used to no junk food then move onto focusing on the more nitty gritty stuff like meal timings and frequency.
There are many ways to lose fat, which way is best for you is determined by your own preferences/lifestyle.

It's particularly easy to lose fat when you're just starting out, and have plenty of it to lose. So by just integrating 1 or 2 simple changes in your daily routine, you'll see good results.

So I'd advise just keeping it simple as possible at first, otherwise if you try to change your lifestyle too drastically and quickly, you'll run a higher risk of failing.

You can either make that simple change through dieting or exercising.

An idea for dieting would be to only change 1 meal that you typically pig out on, into something more healthy. Breakfast for instance, don't pig out, maybe have a bowl of oatmeal and some OJ. A month of consistently changing just 1 meal will yield results at your weight.

For exercising, do cardio of some sort for 15 minutes a day.

Seriously, that's all it takes. Once you progress further and plateau, you can integrate more changes. Some will suggest starting out with P90X, and while it's not a bad suggestion, you have to be ultra motivated to stick with it.
acai? in all seriousness though, excercise however is most comfortable for you to get in the habit of doing so on a regular basis, eat healthier (think about what you eat now, and what might be a healthier, and not disgusting, alternative), etc.. Its really not a question of having the brains to lose weight, its a question of motivation (and a certain amount of not buying into the bullshit) and determination.

good luck bros
So you guys really think its about going the slow changes route?

Perhaps that is my problem, in all my other aspects of my life I go balls to the wall. Maybe that is the flaw of my approach.

In terms of approaching this though, what is my end goal in terms or diet and exercise?

If I have a clear end place I need to be in terms of diet and exercise I can at least orient myself towards it by implementing little changes.
Niko my man-
Steel cut oats. (doesn't rot)
Free weights. (F a gym)
Water. (drink propel if you don't like water)
Walk. (20-30 mins, dictate some goals with audacity and put em on your mp3 player)
Sleep. (you know when you feel best, don't burn the candle on both ends)

Get rid of- Smoking, High fructose corn syrups, Processed shit,

This...or go the Atkins route for short term benefits so you lose enough weight to exercise without putting strain on your back and knees and then go the healthy route.
Look in the mirror, change comes from within. Its not about changing one thing at time, or 2 things, I can't explain it other than just do it. Yea it hurts, but like a Soup said.. you gotta get over the dizzy spells, every change may have some sort of a pos/neg feedback.

To add to my first post, minor detail, you can add coffee and tea. Coffee is great before weights.
-note, no sugar. little honey if you must.. honey..
Just looking at the mirror depresses me.

This is a fattie secret, never look at the mirror, never weigh yourself.
I am your height, but was like 92.5 kg, we don't measure lbs, I realised you something +40kg to that...my ass, but...anyway

I was able to lose 55 lbs in 4 monthes with atkins+gym+small meals but more ofthen like 6 times a day. You need really keep at it, cause sometime weight will still be on it's level for week or two and then go away each day.

Not your case, but already something. Honestly you may need like a year of lifestyle changing, be prepare for it and don't buy acai berry.
Food is a drug. I was fat as a kid too but I had a short period where it all melted off after I got sick, couldn't eat for a week and my stomach shrunk. Looking back at old photos and shit I look like a drug addict basically.

You just need a clean break really which is really difficult to do, but you can do it. It's all about self discipline and taking control in a big way, just make a plan and go extreme with it. Once you get your metabolism going and in the habit of eating health food you'll love the idea of going to the gym and eating salads and drinking nothing but water. May sound crazy right now but trust me it's possible.
So you guys really think its about going the slow changes route?


Perhaps that is my problem, in all my other aspects of my life I go balls to the wall. Maybe that is the flaw of my approach.

Going balls to the wall is a recipe for disaster. Eventually, you'll get tired of eating too strict or exercising too much and you'll revert back to your old ways, put back all the weight on that you lost, and probably some more on top of it.

In terms of approaching this though, what is my end goal in terms or diet and exercise?

Whatever you decide to do, ask yourself BEFOREHAND, "Can I carry this out for the rest of my life?" If the answer is 'No' then you're going to fail at it. It's as simple as that.

The easiest (and perhaps best) advice I can give you is to do better than you're doing now. In other words:

1) Don't drink your calories. Switch out soda for water. Try to NEVER drink soda. It's the fastest, easiest way to gain weight.

2) Eat cleaner. Forget about timed meals and all that other impractical shit. Few people can eat 5-6 meals consistently every 2-3 hours while maintaining proper carb/protein/fat ratios. Just cut out some junk food and maybe even decrease your portions. This will automatically stop you from gaining any more weight and even put you on track to start losing.

3) Move around more. Don't go too crazy on the exercise at the beginning. Just do more than you do now. If you do nothing, then start with a 30 min walk/day. After a few weeks do (2) 30 min. walks/day. After a few more weeks start hitting the treadmill.

Also, get yourself a pedometer. It keeps track of how many steps you take throughout the day, miles walked, est. calorie burn, etc... This will REALLY motivate you to "beat your best" every day. If you slack off one day, then next you'll try to overshoot to compensate. It's awesome, I love mine.

Follow the above and a year from now you won't believe how different you'll look and feel... and how easy it was to lose the weight.
I am fat.

It seems that there are two schools of thought.
1. Exercise like a maniac, eat 6-8 meals a day (most Fitness / Gym type of diets)
2. Exercise like a wuss, do not eat any carbs. (Primal diet, Caveman diet, Paleo diet)

A healthy diet and a 30-60 minute walk everyday at a brisk pace will work wonders. No processed foods or sugars.

The mistake many people make with diet and excercise is the extremist approach. It takes less work than you think, routine and discipline are the keys.

Best of luck with it all.
Remember you were the fastest sperm niko.


You know what I actually read?

"Remember you were the fattest sperm"

...fattest sperm aside I find it interesting when people, skinny people do not understand how fucked up of a trap being fat is.

No one sets out to be 300lbs. Its not like I did not notice it happening but its kind of like this.

I am sad, I eat
I am sick, I eat
I want to celebrate, I eat
I want to procrastinate, I eat
Bored....I eat
Talk to a doctor too, I don't know your health situation, but a good start to all of this is a salt water flush.. No telling how full of shit you are..
I would suggest change 1 or 2 meals a day. Turn them into healthy ones. CUT OUT ALL SODA!. I lost 15lbs in one month leveling my wow char and THATS IT. everything was the same. its 50% exercise and 50% diet. If you want it to go slow, start slow. If you want to see results, do BOTH exercise AND diet. Pre make you meals, boil/bake up a big tray of chicken (BJ's/COSTCO 20$ for like 10 or 20lbs of frozen chicken), season that shit. Get a huge back of forzen veggies. and set out 7 tupperwares. Fill em with chicken/veggies. Get Special K/oatmeal for breakfast, and do like tuna sandwhichs for lunch. Delete all items in your house that are not healthy. There is no 'rainy days' for Zebra Cakes. (than again..they are zebra cakes). As for exercise, i would suggest something slow, you must take knees and back into consideration. Start walking 1mile a day. and increase it.

my only suggestion for motivation (which is probly the BIGGEST obstacle), is

1) The longer you stick to it, the easier is it. example: I have the "i've got 17 days with doing my diet/exercise, why the fuck would i stop and reset that back to 0.

2) It takes 21 days to build a habit. totally remove all fat food, and if u have a good schedule and stick to it for 21 days, it'll be easier after that.

3) take before/after pictures. You'll laugh now, but i promise you that in 3 weeks of what i said - you'll be laughing even more (in a good way).

hope that helps. Goodluck.
In basic terms, eat less and exercise more.

Some things to do:

- Smaller portions of healthy food
- Find out what are the right size of portions for the caloric intake you require to acheive your weight loss goals and stick to it
- Consult a nutritionist if need be, spend a few bucks to get an education on how you should be eating
- Healthy food doesn't have to be difficult, nor should it be rotting in your fridge
- Make an effort to go to the store more often for fresher ingredients in smaller quantities so you're always eating fresh... you don't want to go to cook, find the food's gone off and end up ordering pizza
- Learn to cook if you don't know how and learn how to make healthy food tasty and desirable (seasoned grilled piece of meat and some steamed veggies or a salad is easy, stirfry of chicken, veg and some light sauce is easy)
- Set incremental weight loss goals: 260, 240, 220, etc.
- A good BRISK walk every day. 15 minutes out and 15 minutes return
- If possible you could walk to the grocery store and carry your groceries home
- Don't drink loads of beer

etc. etc.

It's all pretty common sense stuff man. You know what you need to do. You need a new mindset to do it. It's going to take some serious conviction to change your ways. I know because I need to do the same thing.