I am a product developer - what is the etiquette here?

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New member
Jul 26, 2008
London, UK

I'm a product developer primarily, and affiliate marketer on a secondary level. I have a new link building software product due for release next month and was wondering what the etiquette is here with respect to mentioning stuff like this, particularly for new members? Naturally I want to acquire affiliates for product launch time, but I want to do it the right way as well.


You're probably going to get flamed for asking that and not just reading the rules, but I'm actually interested in something you said. Sending you a pm.

Even though I'm still n00b'ish by post count at this forum, I would advise that you grab ad space to show that you're not afraid to invest in your launch or this community...

Best of luck with your launch, and absorb all you can from this place there are a lot of heavy hitters here, and great intel above and beyond all the fun and jokery that is had...

omg... reading manuals... i never do that. I am one of those people who rips open the packet, plugs the thing in and tries to figure it out for myself. But that's cool, I'll go read the various stickies now to see if there's an answer to my question.
omg... reading manuals... i never do that. I am one of those people who rips open the packet, plugs the thing in and tries to figure it out for myself. But that's cool, I'll go read the various stickies now to see if there's an answer to my question.


Even though I'm still n00b'ish by post count at this forum, I would advise that you grab ad space to show that you're not afraid to invest in your launch or this community...

Best of luck with your launch, and absorb all you can from this place there are a lot of heavy hitters here, and great intel above and beyond all the fun and jokery that is had...


Ouch... I suspect there's some value in those ads, I'll have to try them, but after I make some sales. My product launch is going to be paying my next month's rent. So first things first.
Don't lurk, post. Once people start to recognize your name when you post in threads, there won't be many hard feelings if you start a thread promoting your product in a non-scammy, ebook way. Add some value to the forums w/ your posts and you'll be fine.
I post when I have something to say about the topic. Being a bit of an affiliate marketing n00b, my posts will probably be more questions than answers though...

I'm a product developer primarily, and affiliate marketer on a secondary level. I have a new link building software product due for release next month and was wondering what the etiquette is here with respect to mentioning stuff like this, particularly for new members? Naturally I want to acquire affiliates for product launch time, but I want to do it the right way as well.


*cough*im not going to mention that your mother is a cheating whore, but id like to ask a few things...

Apophasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
chatmasta, what would you like to ask? (trafficandroid.com is the url)

kimboslice, i think you meant "i can haz revyoo copy?"

so now in this one post alone you have already promoted your product! so much for asking! idk if you got the point with that wikipedia link...
lol dude... you asked? If that's not what you were asking, I'll promptly edit it out .. or perhaps now that you've seen it, I'll edit it... oh. you've quoted it. :-/

Hmmm might have helped if I looked at the wikipedia link. For some reason my brain suggested to my that it was a sig link even though clearly it wasn't :p

Hey though I did make an extra special effort to not *link* the url :)
Chatmasta: I'm not gonna say I'd never heard of that word before, but I've got a pretty big vocabulary and I've never heard of that word.. uhh... fuck it. Thanks.
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