Hydra Acquired!

Looks like this deal really just benefits Zac. Got the Walkers out, got rid of some investors and restructuring Hydra into new Hydragroup now sold to adknowledge. BIG win for Zac, made some great business moves. Hell, who is the big winner out of all this? This game is chess not checkers and I think he played it very well. The Art of War look 3 steps ahead. Now we call are look back that this for a case study and see why those previous moves were made. Cleaned out house of shady advertisers and pubs wrapped it all up in a nice package with a bow and got out with millions.

I believe its a pretty smart move for both.

Adknowledge got expertise, affiliates, connections

And Zac got rid of drowning hydra.

Hope things will be better for both of them.

No way. Adknowledge is absolutely killing it. They bought Hydra because they don't have a CPA solution, and so why not buy out a company that has good technology and "some" good connections in place when you have millions coming out your ass. ADK saved a ton of time and will be able to take Hydra and make it a hundred times better.

Just a side note, why would you say that ADK is having trouble if they just dropped a shit load of money on buying out another company? I don't know how many companies start buying up other companies as soon as they run into money trouble... think before you type.

put down the bong....and let's bring up a nice old story about Think Partnership shall we....carry on