This site could be very useful for good and bad.... Whoever thought it up is a genius.

Five bux.

This site could be very useful for good and bad.... Whoever thought it up is a genius.

Five bux.

QFT, yet the concept is so frigging simple and elementary...

I have placed a couple PSD to HTML and HTML to WP orders there and feel bad paying them only $5. They should keep some sort of $5 increment rule but allow projects at $10-$15-$20-$25... plus they bank harder

I'm sure they are banking but at $1 of profit per order its pretty small scale. Wonder how many deals happen each day.
Like someone above, I too use this site a lot mainly for psd to html coversion and to port html into wp themes.

It's surprising they do it for $4, but so awesome.
I got someone to scrape 4200+ makes/models of certain devices off of the target page for a PPV campaign.

For $5.

Too bad the campaign blew up, but it was all good.
I got a header graphic done by some junior high school kid on there for $5. He delivered late and didn't reply when I asked him if he wanted to do a few more for me, so I guess he thought it was too much work for $5 and lost motivation. But I did get a decent graphic done for $5.
I got a header graphic done by some junior high school kid on there for $5. He delivered late and didn't reply when I asked him if he wanted to do a few more for me, so I guess he thought it was too much work for $5 and lost motivation. But I did get a decent graphic done for $5.

I predict this flow of cheap domestic labor will evaporate when

A) people realize $5 just isn't a lot of money
B) the economy improves
C) A+B