How Would You Structure The Compensation For This Agreement?

Dealing with lawyers is a nightmare. I used to work at an insurance brokerage that sold malpractice insurance to lawyers, specifically, which they're required by the bar to have in most states. It was highly entertaining to read the claims, let me tell you. Dealing with them not so much.

Dealing with most lawyers on marketing services IS a nightmare, because they can't understand why they, as the "experts", would give more than a very tiny % of what they stand to make off a client to the referral source, on clients they would have made 0 off if not for the referral.

Also, most lawyers with any kind of web presence get dozens of the same type of "we need to refer clients in YOUR area" spammy-sounding emails a week. Even if they are interested and understand the value, it's hard to stand out from that crap enough to get your foot in the door enough to work out a deal with them. All the non-lawyer marketers I know making money referring leads are doing it through a personal relationship with the lawyer (family, friend, etc), it's hard to setup a deal as an outsider.

My advice, show them a little value up-front, free of charge, in the form of a couple legit leads you hand over to them so they can start seeing the value for themselves, then it's easier to have the "money talk" with them to keep it coming.

Or, if you have personal injury leads in OR or WA, or low-T drugs, Xarelto, Liptor, or Propecia legal leads from anywhere in the US, then just PM me, I'll make sure you get paid without all the headaches :)
Tell him its a third. Works for you right? Slap your big dick on his desk, ask him, you want a big dick too? Pay me a third.