How will the ISR-IRA war affect the average North American or European?


New member
May 4, 2012
I've always been curious.. I see all these videos of guys preparing their shit and stocking up like it's the end of the world, but what's the worse that can happen for the average John Smith living in Casper Wyming? lol

I mean, even if israel and iran nuke each other, would it really be the end of times for the rest of us?


ya ok oil prices will go up ridiculously but it doesn't mean I have to buy 5 years worth of toilet paper, water bottles and tuna cans and dig a whole in the middle of the desert do I? Last I checked Canada has almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia and they're building more pipelines that will drive that honey right into Texas.
ya ok oil prices will go up ridiculously but it doesn't mean I have to buy 5 years worth of toilet paper, water bottles and tuna cans and dig a whole in the middle of the desert do I? Last I checked Canada has almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia and they're building more pipelines that will drive that honey right into Texas.

Supply and demand - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What happens if the price of fuel to transport food causes the price of food to hit 5x its previous price?
ya ok oil prices will go up ridiculously but it doesn't mean I have to buy 5 years worth of toilet paper, water bottles and tuna cans and dig a whole in the middle of the desert do I? Last I checked Canada has almost as much oil as Saudi Arabia and they're building more pipelines that will drive that honey right into Texas.

Canadian oil, expecially from the tar sands, is a hell of a lot more expensive to extract than saudi oil though. It wont make oil any cheaper.
The worst that could happen? Massive global economic depression, coupled with suicide bombers on Iran's side blowing themselves up in our home countries. Civil disobedience due to skyrocketing costs of living, riots, martial law, etc. Maybe a new arms race between US, Russia and China. Maybe China gets ballsy, and decides to invade Taiwan. Maybe Russia decides to jump into the fray, as they don't want the US owning the entire Middle East.

Can't see it ever getting that bad, but you asked for the worst. :)
if they use nukes the air we breathe would be pretty bad. you think hiroshima was bad? they have bombs 1000X more powerful today than that stuff
Major economic depression due to inflation of goods going up 25%+ in a few months without any increase in income. It would be offset slightly due to diminished foreign imports in the US, but not enough.

People with ownership of raw materials (Oil, gas, coal ,ect) will make a killing.