How to make time pass by quicker?

get a real pet


I have two dogs, once of which I am very partial to. She's like a best friend. She had a condition 6 months ago that I thought was going to kill her, and it ate me up inside.

She's recovered now, and I learned my lesson. One day she'll be gone but instead of getting too down, I will celebrate how awesome she was when she was alive.

Sorry, brother.. Shit is rough. Igl00 nailed it- Go out with your buddies and have a few drinks.
Once you get to know igl00, you realize that getting drunk is his answer for pretty much everything. :)
How dare you come on WickedFire whining about the loss of your best, closest friend and companion, when people's favorite pron stars are retiring? How selfish can you be?

Sorry about the loss, sucks to loose a pet.
This will definitely help you...

[ame=""]Old Yeller [1957] - Full Movie - YouTube[/ame]

Emotions - better out than in, bro.
how da f embed utube

u do it lik ths:banana_sml::banana_sml: :costumed-smiley-087:food-smiley-002::costumed-smiley-087:food-smiley-002::costumed-smiley-087:food-smiley-002::banana_sml::banana_sml:

[ame=""]She Was The Best - The Green with Lyrics - YouTube[/ame]

ur welcome
Sorry to hear about your loss. Losing a dog can be rough. I've lost a couple over the years.

My current dog is getting up there in age as well. I know I'll have to cope with the loss eventually. She almost died a few years ago due to a really bad sickness, but she didn't. After she recovered, it really made me appreciate her that much more. Not a day goes by I don't play with her or show her my affection. She knows I love her and when it's her time to go, she will go happy knowing she was loved and cared for the best I could.

I suggest getting another dog, especially a puppy. It REALLY does help to ease the pain. You'll have a new little ball of fur to play with, and love, and it helps takes your mind off your loss. Trust me and the others who have suggested it. It works.
Sucks man. I'm sorry to hear it. The only way to get over it is to go rescue another one. Put pictures up of your lost friend and go save another life! When my dog died I couldn't get over it either, life just seemed well ... fucking shitty all around. I decided to just visit the animal shelter, and told myself I'm not going to adopt anything because my heart was cold and black now. 5 minutes in I was adopting another dog.

I'll never forget my best friend but opening your heart to another rescue will heal the wounds. Give another dog a home, a good life, and a friend.

Appreciate the replies. It's getting better, but sucks waking up sometimes. The easiest part about this is that I have no regrets with her because I did play with her every single day. The worst part is probably that there was almost zero signs of her starting to go. Was playing with her the whole day, tons of energy. Later on she had a heart attack. She was getting old for a boxer and they are known for having heart problems. Least she went out happy. My last boxer we had to make a decision, which sucked.

I can't get another dog and I don't think I ever will. I might change my mind later down the road. This one was different and was happy 24/7, idk. I do have a jack russell though and they live for a pretty long time.

I have been watching a lot of netflix and movies. Been watching Breaking Bad and Walking Dead. Unfortunately netflix only has the first season of walking dead.