How to make time pass by quicker?


Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
Because I can't handle this. One of the best things that has ever happened to me died, my dog. I've never been attached to any of my dogs like this one. Probably because we rescued her because of her bad past. Maybe because I was her favorite because I played with her every single day and paid attention to her the most. She was just the most lovable dog I've ever had. She always brightened up my day, but I can't look forward to that anymore.

Dumb to post on WF I know, but I don't have a single care in the world. I'm trying to find something on here to laugh to keep my mind off this. Nothing on TV is funny. I thought after a day things would get better. Right now I doubt it, but I'm sure as time goes by it gets better. If you ever had an experience like this, what did you do to keep you occupied to keep your mind off this? I tried running but it doesn't help when all I'm doing is running and not thinking about anything, so I think about this.

Life sucks.

Another dog?

This. ^^^^^^

Rescue another dog if you are able to.

Let the Love she gave you extend out to another dog in need.

It will not replace her or banish the pain of lost Love. But it will certainly ease it.

You will also be able to remember her in a better frame of mind in the years to come.

From your post it sounds like She was maybe your first rescue pet. If so, then she has shown you how wonderful it can be to save a life and give it a good home.

Save another and share the Love she gave you.

Damn, I'm typing this with tears in my eyes. I just watched the HBO special about rescuing dogs the other night.

My sympathies are with you at your time of loss.

OK, my REDDIT POSTING is satisfied for LIFE now!!!

Sorry, Bro, but things die.

I have a 13+ yr old that is closing on the clearing at the end of the path himself, and we are already making plans to supplement the herd so as to enjoy the sight of him training his replacement.


Nah. Reality.

Suck it up and go dog hunting, mate.
Sorry, brother.. Shit is rough. Igl00 nailed it- Go out with your buddies and have a few drinks.
At first I was like....


then I was like....


but now I'm like....

not trying to troll, but consider reframing to a broader perspective, both in terms of time & space. instead of now, think 'beginning of time to end of time'. instead of here, think along the lines of quarks v universes. the cross-section of those perspectives (here, now) is so tiny, its not even a blip. your presence is absolutely insignificant in terms of time & space. in that frame, nothing you do or that happens in your world matters. its only your ego making 'here/now' critical.

every time i experience intense emotions i don't want, i return to that & it reminds me that even my own death is meaningless in the big picture, and emotions i don't want are signs i'm too narrowly focused at that moment.
You're going to get over it eventually, so you might as well do it now. If you can't handle that philosophy, just wallow until you get over it.

I spend almost every hour of every day with my dog, she lives for me and I love her. But she's going to die. I'll probably get another dog immediately.
Sorry to hear about your loss :( This is going to sound weird, but have you tried any highly absorbing repetitive games? Tetris, Bejeweled, etc. Due to the pace, you can get lost in them pretty easily, and for a lot of people there's a weird after-effect where your brain is still trying to make those patterns. It's distracting and it passes the time when you need to get your mind off something else. Google Tetris or Bejeweled + PTSD/depression/bipolar and you'll see a lot of sites talking about how they've found it to help in certain traumatic situations. I don't know how much validity there is to the studies, but it's worth a try.

And then when the worst is over, give another pet a home if you can :)
Sometimes life sucks. The best thing to do is accept that life sucks and feel the feelings. Growth doesn't come from distracting yourself or getting fucked up.

Read something spiritual. Here is a suggestion:

Mindfulness In Plain English

If you don't like my suggestion, then just go with the heroin as suggested above. Your in Philly, so hit up Kensington and Somerset, they got works. I wouldn't recommend this, but it's the second best choice.