How to handle job plus home balance

i think this is one of the reasons why medics date/marry within the profession, nobody else understands their passion/career.

When you marry a non med, they will not understand your circumstance and get that when you do get some time off it has to be stress free, just quality time, recharge and get back to work again.

not gonna lie being a doctor will get you mad pussy. really think about it. women find that sexy.

not gonna lie being a doctor will get you mad pussy. really think about it. women find that sexy.

doubt it, being a doc definately gets you respect even the trolls and douchebags on the internet will not trash on docs, when they might trash on say the military or something.

But I have a friend whose a doctor, he's a super nice guy, cool and everything, but I don't think he'd be able to pull in a bar or club or anything, girls will think it's great what he does, and he always seems to make people laugh with his crazy patient stories (perfectly ethical btw, as long as no names are mentioned). But he got married pretty soon.

Doctors aren't really the type to go out chasing pussy, they live and breathe their profession so much that they're content with just being in a monogomous relationship.
The Only Way Success Comes Before Work Is In The Dictionary!

dick comes before pussy
men comes before women
sex comes before ugly
money comes before payment
sense comes before whaddafuckareyoutalkingabout?
Sorry to hear about the fam life. Shit happens brah. You can save yourself a shit ton of cash by getting out now before your career really takes off. If you don't have kids just do yourself a favor and get out now. Shes out in Cali banging on them thick Compton cocks while your at home on your weekend off? Fuck that shit. Call all the best attorneys (visit them all for a "consult")in your city and get that shit rolling. She will never divorce you (at least until your career takes off) so your going to have to take the bull by the horn
I think both of you need to do some changes about your own life. You need to spend some quality time for her and encourage her to join some social clubs outside such as taking up courses or doing some charity work. Encourage her to have her own friends.
Get her hooked on to the internet and teach her how to download stuff from torrent sites. She won't feel bored

Your wife sounds selfish man, no offence. Sit her down and talk to her, and a real fuckin firm talk. I'd never put up with that shit. Those kind of women annoy the fuck out of me. Only care about themselves.

Well, this too.
Your wife complains of your medical resident schedule... dump dat hoe. Seriously, once you've become a MD, she will suck you out of all your money.
Lol, I here you Big Joe. That will definitely make his day...hell, it will make is week. He is pressuring me to quit my job and stay home, and though it is very tempting, I just cannot do it. I was raised to be independent and especially to not depend on men to take care of me, so even if he was a billionaire, I would still be outside of the house working my butt off. BJ it is!

Just remember that a BJ can fix just about anything.

You should give your hubby one now and tell him someone from your job suggested it. He'll never complain about you working to much again.
Thank goodness my husband has his XBox 360 to distract him, lol. I too understand how she could be lonely because I don't have any friends and though I have my husband, I still get lonely because it isn't the same thing as having a friend who you could talk to about ANYTHING. I say, she needs to just get out a little and join a couple of groups or clubs...maybe I should take my own advice too, lol.

I know exactly what you are going through.. I used to work and do IM at the same time but that was way too hectic for me. By the time I got home, I was way too tired to do anything let alone even give my husband attention. Good thing he has his PS3 games to distract him =)

Right now, I work full time in IM plus do some projects for myself.. On the other hand, my husband is the one who is working 10 hours a day and comes home very tired so I know what he feels like. I don't have any girlfriends either so I can see why she feels lonely.

What I do recommend though is taking a day out of the weekend for you both to spend together. Otherwise, try to get her to make some friends by doing extra activities maybe like volunteering and stuff. As for yourself, it seems like you are working way too much. You might want to cut down on your hours if your job permits and this way the both of you won't be as stressed, allowing you both to see more of each other.