How to edit Signature ?????

I am not able to get signature yet.So i can't tell you about it.
When you get it.Please inform us.
trolling in the newbie section? read the rules brah

What do you expect? make 20 freaking spammy post then have a sig? You can't expect to have a sig link from a PR6 Forums directly to your site by not investing anything right?

Private messages are activated after 15 post. and I think Sigs are available after 75 Useful/Informative post.

Read that somewhere here. Users with 75 post above that can't edit their sig "I think" is not contributing enough in the community. You can however PM mods about this and have your sig activated if you have more than 75 post. but 20 post? nah it's not possible

Yeah, this sounds reasonable. I mean, you're not suppose to expect getting perks that soon without establishing your credibility