how to check fake PR

Search on google

info: website url

Notice the search. Check if the domains are matching or not. And you'll get your answer.

Also, don't forget to check the drops of the domain. Dropped domains have a tendency to loose PR in google pr updates, although these updates are done on weekly basis now.
Search on google

info: website url

Notice the search. Check if the domains are matching or not. And you'll get your answer.

Also, don't forget to check the drops of the domain. Dropped domains have a tendency to loose PR in google pr updates, although these updates are done on weekly basis now.

This is the best way. Go straight to the source.

As for tools the most reliable one I've found (that almost always corroborates the above source) is - Check Fake PageRank (PR), Alexa, and SEO Details

So I'll check a bunch through that tool (most 4+ come out fake) and any of the real ones I'll verify the way
The perfect method is..... Put the following on google (replace with the domain you want to check)

If you get the exact domain on the search result, PR is legit. If you get something else the PR is fake.
I don't want to tell further as it would imply the method of getting a fake PR ;)
I second what everyone else said. Info: (keyword)

Also check how many drops it has as someone said already. After a while your site will start to lose PR if there are drops that have occurred.
a friend of mine doing some freelance...and his doing job perfectly...but he rather choose fake PR...idk why he use some fake PR...and he said PR software is so expensive and some company can't even afford it :)

Thnx for reading this cause you miss 1 minute of your life reading this post :)
Fastest way to check page rank is to install the Google Toolbar ( It can be customized to take up minimal space, and fit nicely at the top of your browser.

Checking faked or false Pagerank
There are several methods of spotting faked pagerank.
- One simple way is to check to see how many backlinks the site has. If a site has no (or very few) backlinks, then it should not have a high pagerank.

- Another way to check is to use Google's info: operator.

In Google type:

If the site info that is returned doesn't match the site that you searched for, then it's probably faked. Otherwise, it's most likely fine.