How to charge a client for managing his FB campaign?


New member
Apr 28, 2010
What is the typical practice of agencies when charging a client for running his FB campaign? Flat fee, % spend, etc... ?

Everyone is different. Make it worth your time.. if you do a % spend and they are spending £100 a month then its just not worth it.

I would aim for a monthly management fee based on how much time you are spending on it. If the intial setup takes some time, charge an upfront fee.
b/c it might be for a brander? he might of talked a good talk? and various other reasons...
like an agency- 10-25% of spend depending on how much of YOU you're using (ie - your technology, your creative, your copywriting, OR you just managing to a metric of their shit that's already there).

Make the spend decline with volume (er - percentage) but structure this so that at more volume even w/ the decline is still benefits you more.