How the government is brain washing us all through the water supply.

I used to drink Brita until that water scare in greater Boston area when all stores ran out of bottled water.. Now I grab those 28 pack half ltr packs. Convenient as fuck. But I know I am messing with the environment with all those bottles. PS.. I think they use lesser plastic in the cap.. so I am doing my bit in helping the environment ;-)

You are possibly stealing other people's water. I forgot the name of the documentary I saw not long ago but it made me stop drinking bottled water.

Basically, plastic waste aside, water is not technically owned by anyone. These companies roll into towns around the US and the world and sometimes drain a town's only water supply dry. I wish I remembered the name it was a real eye opener. It might have been "Flow" but not 100% sure.

Only time I'll drink bottled water now is if there is absolutely no alternative like I'm on the road or somethin. Use a brita filter now and the water is friggin' tasty.
Government control, I don't think so. But there's a lot of crap in the water.

(AP) U.S. manufacturers, including major drugmakers, have legally released at least 271 million pounds of pharmaceuticals into waterways that often provide drinking water - contamination the federal government has consistently overlooked, according to an Associated Press investigation.

271M Lbs Of Pharmaceuticals In Our Water - CBS News
I've always wondered if cats and dogs of schizophrenic people go nuts from drinking their toilet water. These are the things that keep me up at night.
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You're talking teeth bro, not stomach. Toothpaste cleans the teeth and keeps them healthy, why not drink toothpaste water everyday.

Wait so your logic is we can't ingest something that will make us healthy from the inside out? So by that logic, for healthy skin, for example, there's not reason to consume foods with vitamins and minerals? We should just ...what? use lotion and we're all good?
Wait so your logic is we can't ingest something that will make us healthy from the inside out? So by that logic, for healthy skin, for example, there's not reason to consume foods with vitamins and minerals? We should just ...what? use lotion and we're all good?

Vitamins/minerals are for ingesting, toothpaste is not.

Are you trying to say ingesting flouride, it would absorb into our bloodstream and prevent tooth decay?
[ame=""]YouTube - The Beautiful Truth[/ame]

The part about mercury vapor being released off of dental amalgams is pretty scary, I have a ton of those in my mouth.

Starts around 22:00.
Vitamins/minerals are for ingesting, toothpaste is not.

Are you trying to say ingesting flouride, it would absorb into our bloodstream and prevent tooth decay?

Yeah that is actually the claim, that ingesting fluoride is good for your it.

It's a debated subject...I haven't done enough research to come to any kind of conclusion of my own though.
Clearly the American Dental Association has been conspiring with the Illuminati, you know that 5th dentist who didn't recommend fluoride? He dead.
Vitamins/minerals are for ingesting, toothpaste is not.

Are you trying to say ingesting flouride, it would absorb into our bloodstream and prevent tooth decay?

What the fuck man do you not understand how fluoride works?

Theres a very tiny percentage of it in toothpaste and you rub it on your teeth with a toothbrush then you SPIT the toothpaste out, you are not supposed to swallow the shit. The fluoride fills in the cracks and gaps and shit and attaches to your tooth enamel so next time you're crunching on some almonds or hard candy your teeth don't break as fast. The only reason the government puts a very tiny percentage of fluoride in tap water is so as you drink it, it slides past your teeth and helps strengthen them every time you drink water, albeit a very tiny bit.

And yes drinking fluoride is lethal if you ingest too much of it, try eating a tube of this for dinner: Colgate® PreviDent® 5000 Plus (Rx only). I had to stop using that because every time I brush my teeth with that shit even if i swallow just a tiny bit accidentally I get stomach pains and diarrhea, so you know even 1.1% sodium fluoride is pretty hardcore. But tiny amounts of fluoride are fine to ingest.
lol that guy is an idiot.

I happen to have learned a ton about this although not great at explaining it. I spent a few years managing the tech stuff at a big dentist office in my area recently. The owner/main doctor is an awesome guy. Whenever we were bored and hanging out waiting on something to finish i'd ask him weird dentistry questions.

I asked him about the whole fluoride in the water supply thing and he went off for like an hour. I didn't understand half of it and he filled two pages of with molecule diagrams and stuff but it made a lot of sense. It seems pretty conclusive that fluoride in the water supply is a good thing and all the stuff these conspiracy theorists say is pretty obsurd and usually involves a confusion between fluoride and Florine or dosage issues. I wish i could explain it better but i seriously doubt the guy in the video could hold his own in a debate with the dr on this topic.

I also learned a lot of other cool shit from the doctor. Like did you know that once you have your adult teeth in getting more calcium in your diet doesn't actually make a difference in keeping them healthy? I guess once your adult teeth grow in fully theres no taking or giving of calcium to them. Something about the roots being made of nerves. Kinda same thing with the myth involving pregnant chicks and teeth falling out. Its caused by something else, not a calcium deficiency.
@ly2 Yeah, anywhere I've gone in Florida the water is nasty.

Fortunately we're sitting on a large natural aquifer. Tap water here is goooood...almost tastes sweet, and I drink at least 1 liter of it daily*

*to counteract the gallon of coffee and varying amount of beer I also consume daily
(coming soon: case study on productivity lost to peeing)


*to counteract the gallon of coffee and varying amount of beer I also consume daily
(coming soon: case study on productivity lost to peeing)

Waiting for the Case Study. Technically the increase in productivity due to copious consumption of beer might be countered by the number of times we need to go to pee. On that note have you considered connecting a pipe to your dick?