How the government is brain washing us all through the water supply.


Aug 12, 2008
Great Britain
[ame=""]YouTube - A Guide to Life Clarity: Don't Drink Unfiltered Tap Water (Part Two)[/ame]

This video makes me rage so hard. What can you do about idiots like this? I recommend watching the whole thing, there are many lols followed by anger.
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1. Have you researched any of what hes saying for yourself?

2. Everyone knows Americans are stupid, self servient, complacent | Which is why most people think they need to go to school and get a job to be able to make something of themselves.

3. I Don't drink water out of teh tap so its all good.
Although I do not agree with the entire video, I do agree with the main idea. The water supply is full of other chemicals besides fluoride. I haven't done any deep research on this, but from what I remember reading, Germans used a different kind of fluoride that was toxic in the ways they needed it to be (as described in the video), however the water supply fluoride is different, yet still bad for your body, just in different ways.

Bottom line is, do not drink tap water. Do not drink reverse osmosis water either. Best water to drink is well water, which is full of minerals. If you cannot get well water, then mineral water, bottled in glass bottles at the source is the best substitute. Make sure it is naturally carbonated though. Perrier contrary to popular belief is not one of them (it's artificially carbonated).

Regular bottled water is just tap water that was (dubiously) filtered at some water purification plant, and sometimes they add a couple of minerals back into it. It'd "dead" water.
1. Have you researched any of what hes saying for yourself?

2. Everyone knows Americans are stupid, self servient, complacent | Which is why most people think they need to go to school and get a job to be able to make something of themselves.

3. I Don't drink water out of teh tap so its all good.

1. Nope. I've done some reading about fluoride and it's generally fine, drinking it in your tap water is not going to harm you. I'd rather trust scientists over random conspiracy theorist who goes to David Icke conferences.

2. I live in the UK and strangely enough in one of the very few parts of the UK that has fluoride in the tap water. I drink tap water all day, every day - it's good shit.

EDIT: Tap water may potentially be bad but that's not the part of the video that annoys me. It's the idea that the government are trying to poison us so that they can control us and bring upon an ordwellian totalitarian state.. Do high ranking government officials not drink tap water because they are aware of the ongoing poisoning? Obviously they do.
this is what we do (troll them)

[ame=]YouTube - Tweeker tries to warn us about a Conspiracy[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - I confront a man wearing dead coyote carcasses[/ame]

[ame=""]YouTube - Inconsiderate Fat Bitch on Crowded Bus[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - They call me Nipples Butterfly McGee[/ame]

Epic Nipples Butterfly McGee
I'm all into health/nutrition stuff, but sadly I've actually never researched WATER much.

What about my Brita filter? Is it useless or helping me against the conspirators?

I used to drink Brita until that water scare in greater Boston area when all stores ran out of bottled water.. Now I grab those 28 pack half ltr packs. Convenient as fuck. But I know I am messing with the environment with all those bottles. PS.. I think they use lesser plastic in the cap.. so I am doing my bit in helping the environment ;-)
I'm all into health/nutrition stuff, but sadly I've actually never researched WATER much.

What about my Brita filter? Is it useless or helping me against the conspirators?

They're OK. They get chlorine and some other stuff out. It's better than nothing. If you want clean water get a Berkey or an Aquarain.
What about my Brita filter? Is it useless or helping me against the conspirators?

When you buy a Brita water filter Wal-Mart sends a record of the purchase to the National Security Agency and you end up on a "known/potential agitators" list.