how sustainable is your income?

I'd also like to know the average shelf life of affiliate marketing income. Has anyone done a study? Ringtones lasted how long? Acai Berry lasted how long?
My income is pretty sustainable. I set up a recycling program at the house and my F350 is diesel powered. I also only flush after 2 number 2's to conserve water.
Affiliate marketing is just a passing trend. Things are falling apart and shit is dead. In the past 2 months went from $1000 per day to $500 per day. I'm watching my income decrease daily. I'm gonna be working at best buy soon.
1 time I add the affiliate adsense link to page went $1 and KABOOM! I rich son! no more I work cut chickens head off I stay rich now
Affiliate marketing is just a passing trend. Things are falling apart and shit is dead. In the past 2 months went from $1000 per day to $500 per day. I'm watching my income decrease daily. I'm gonna be working at best buy soon.

Affiliate marketing is a billion dollar industry. You are the passing trend.
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Affiliate marketing is just a passing trend. Things are falling apart and shit is dead. In the past 2 months went from $1000 per day to $500 per day. I'm watching my income decrease daily. I'm gonna be working at best buy soon.

So what you are saying is that you ripped off a couple of flogs and now they don't work anymore?
People who question the sustainability of live and running billion dollar industries are not very... creative...?

The concept of marketing will never vanish into thin air. ALL modern industries evolve CONSTANTLY -- so should you!

First of all, very few people have what it takes to lay down their job and get started on their own. Among those, even less have what it takes to treat their new profession with enough dedication to fully establish their new existence. Ultimately, even among those who reach certain levels of success.... many just don't plan any further than what's required on a day by day schedule. Of course they'll drown one day!

Look at the Hiphop industry. There's a new 10-paragraph article somewhere every month claiming Hiphop's death since 2002. If you ask me? Yeah, my opinion is Hiphop is dead too. But has any of this hating slowed Hiphop from being the Negro equivalent of turn-total-nobodies-in-lambo-stunters-within-6-months [AKA affiliate marketing] ?

You think that guy gives a fuck about analysts proclaiming his industry dead?

Harden the fuck up. Innovate. GET MONEY + GET PAID.
things come and go always way to make money ive been doing web about 13 years you just have to adapt

that being said i could retire fully (im semi retired) and live just fine
Rule number one...never underestimate the other guys greed. Rule number two..If you find yourself with an erection for more than 4 hours, call your doctor immediately.

Live by that and you'll be fine.
CPA fads and traffic sources come and go, but I've had some steady traditional campaigns running for 3 years now (pretty much on auto-pilot) that still bring in money no matter what other offers or traffic sources I might be running. Find a few things that nobody else is doing, and even if they don't bring in the big bucks, it can provide a consistent base level of income. Find 5 traditional campaigns, a traffic source/keyword set that not many people are on, make $50 profit on each campaign per day, and you've got yourself a steady $90k/year income.

Being able to make hundreds to thousands of dollars per day off of a new traffic source/offer on a CPA offer is always great (and highly recommended), but it's also not that hard to find a few smaller campaigns that don't take much maintenance and bring in some solid cash too.