how sustainable is your income?


New member
May 4, 2009
I am particulary interested in guys doing over 100$ a day, closer to the 1000$ mark, through whitehatm paid traffic (media buys, ppc, ppv).

how do you view your income and the skills you have while doing affiliate marketing?

Do you see yourself being set for life? ie you know enough to adjust to the market whatever happens?

Is it a cash cow while it lasts, ie more regulations, good offers seize to exists in the future etc. and you will be left outside in the cold.

would love to hear people's view points on this, mainly for a bit of motivation....

you can't make money on the internet. the internet is all about porn and dullspace.
Please explain what you mean when you say 'affiliate marketing'?
I like to pretend I'm a woman and talk dirty to men and get them to signup to dating offers. I made $50 once doing that and I had alot of fun doing it.
hi - iz on yo interntz, pivoting wit dem trends
@ OP I hear you. I'm stuck around 100 dollars a right now as well. I'm pretty sure It's because I"m still doing this method. But if you guys have any other ideas of how to increase it to 1000 a day, I'm all ears.
@ OP I hear you. I'm stuck around 100 dollars a right now as well. I'm pretty sure It's because I"m still doing this method. But if you guys have any other ideas of how to increase it to 1000 a day, I'm all ears.

Hello friend,

In affiliate marketing income can only go up no can go down. The key for increase in income greater inflation.

Good luck bro
There are a ton of big affiliate marketers out there that have hit the "big things" and have made good money. I think since the government is beginning to get involved those things will be come less (for example, the acai berry and grant scams going on recently). However, ringtones used to be a huge thing, and people have done well there, but not so much anymore. I think though, if you know how to drive traffic and as long as you're willing to continue to learn, once you have a basic skillset that is proving to work for you, you'll always make money. This will vary based on the idea that you would always want to continue to work and build your business.
There are a ton of big affiliate marketers out there that have hit the "big things" and have made good money. I think since the government is beginning to get involved those things will be come less (for example, the acai berry and grant scams going on recently). However, ringtones used to be a huge thing, and people have done well there, but not so much anymore. I think though, if you know how to drive traffic and as long as you're willing to continue to learn, once you have a basic skillset that is proving to work for you, you'll always make money. This will vary based on the idea that you would always want to continue to work and build your business.

Mr Mittens doesn't think mobile is dead

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Don't you muthat fuckaz listen? all your internet traffic and affiliate monies are belong to me!
i tried affiliate links on one of my website. i got good response. maked $165 in a month.