How much do you spend on food?

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New member
Jun 27, 2006
I spend 300-400/month on food. I eat out more often than cook for myself. I probably should cook a lot more to save money...

Depends on how many dates I go on.. Just like everything else here in NYC, it starts getting high if you add another person to the list.
Depends on how many dates I go on.. Just like everything else here in NYC, it starts getting high if you add another person to the list.

Going back home during winter break. I live an hour and half away from NYC and visit there often (by train). Treat me some Japanese food :D.
Man you guys get off easy, I spend $200 +/- a week but that is for a family of 8
$200 a month

Which is 1 time every 2 weeks, we drive to the lower income part of town and there is a nice store that is cheap and we can have the cart overflowing and it will maybe reach $100 each time :)

But then we goto the local walmart and get 2 bags for like $40. LOL
I live in a town that has like 2,000 people, so there is one supermarket and the prices are a fucking joke
I don't calculate the amount I spend on food, If I'm hungry I get food, if I feel like sausages, mash and gravy then I'll make it, If I feel like a carpet bag scotch fillet steak then I'll go out and find an expert to make it for me.

I'm lucky that I live within 15 minutes walk of 10 of the best restaraunts in my state. And don't mistake high prices for good food, the pub up the road does great steak and seafood for half the price that I've paid elsewhere for the same quality.
although i dont spend much on eating, i do know a guy who eats out most of the time at nice places and spends around 5gs a month just on food! wtf
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