How much alcohol is too much?

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Who the fuck are you? Wow glad to hear your life story - if I cared. Sorry to hear you have gas - I have never had it. I imagine it would smell like ass.

I have had heart burn forever and believe me it started as a teen, well before I ever drank period. So what are you trying to get across? Just because your all fucked up doesn't mean I will be. You have to go sometime right?

Stop being - look what happened to me. I mean that's great in all, but I could give a fuck less. I wasn't trying to look like a bad ass, I simply posted to tell someone that they are retarded for posting that you'll die if you drink a half a liter of 80 proof liqueur. In reality that's just stupid, maybe if you get drunk off a beer or two but you'd never get that far. You'd be passed out and puking or whatnot.

You don't just start drinking that much - it's something you work your system into.

So get off my ass with your retarded :xomunch: comments because they are not just.

I don't care what you do, and I'm not on your ass like you claim.

I really am not trying to express my life story to you.

I honestly don't care if you kill yourself with alcohol tonight or if it's your mama or anybody else.

I was just trying to let everybody know that how you claim that people talking about drinking that much and having bad side effects are "full of shit" just because you handle that much. That isn't the reality.

This thread was about, "how much alcohol is too much?" so I stated what I've experienced with what the amount I have drank.

Since you can handle that much with no side effects doesn't mean that it doesn't effect anybody else negatively.

Trust me I'm not trying to sober anybody up. Like I said, I still drink, hell I'm drinking right now.

I was just stating the way you're making it sound like it's nothing isn't accurate.

Good for you if you don't get any side effects I wish I wouldn't. I'm just stating my experience to the board, not at you directly, get over yourself.

Your full of shit. Welcome to Wisconsin. A half a liter [not litre duh] isn't shit. I easily do that on a nightly basis, by that I mean at least 5 times a week.

So no you wont end up dead. And NO I won't puke off that.

Get fucking real.

Well, I was drinking 10-12 beers about 4-5 nights a week. it was so I got used to it, not shitfaced, just a nice buzz. This had gone on for about a year straight.

I saw the doctor 2 weeks ago and he said my liver was creating 3times the enzymes it should have been, which means it was fucked and in massive repair mode. Also, my blood pressure was 150/100 which is pretty high, which he also said is a direct result from the beer.
He said 5 more years of that and I'd have scelerosis of the liver.
So now I cant drink for 2 months.

A half litre of vodka a day is 16.9 ounces, for comparison an ounce of hard booze is equal to a single can of beer.
So to the tough guy Rage9 that is doing that everyday or whatever becuase hes worked up to it, sure he can handle his drunk like a champ, but considering the damage hes doing to his liver and heart (high blood pressure) I'd say thats too much.
I had an aunt drink herself to death last year, so I'm pretty familiar with this.

It doesn't just depend on someone's physique and make up, but also the types of alcohol you're consuming, although as a rule of thumb, your body can only safely deal with one standard drink per hour.

Anything that is carbonated (beer, premixed, champagne) will affect the brain in less time, and do more residual damage. The alcohol will bond to gas molecules, which allows it to pass the blood-brain barrier MUCH faster, and stay there.

Products with a lot of sugars in them, particularly wine, beer and premixed, will make a hangover worse, as the salts in your body absorb the sugars, and then you urinate them as a toxified waste product.
This is what creates a hangover, as you become severely dehydrated, as well as depleted of the minerals that help absorb toxic elements out of your body. This is a hangover.
If you do not urinate much, or vomit the alcohol out, it will toxify in your body, creating an ammonia build up that will severely damage your liver, kidneys and stomach, causing more long term damage, and worse hangovers.

Alcohol at higher percentages will also do a LOT more damage, as the body does not have the ability to keep up with the poisons entering the system, or the ones being generated as your body attempts to rid itself of the alcohol in the first place.

Consuming that much alcohol is going to do some serious damage to your friend, and not in the long term either.
  • Burst capillaries ("priest's nose")
  • Glaucoma
  • loss of bowel control
  • Cirrhosis of the liver, leading to potential failure
  • potential kidney failure
  • damage to heart valves
  • damage to brain cells
  • damage to autonomic nervous system
  • damage to fat cells, resulting in massive loss of elasticity
  • damage to skin cells, preventing retention of collagen
  • the list goes on

You should only consume ONE STANDARD DRINK per hour (10ml of pure alcohol, diluted through your drink) to remain healthy.
That said, "healthy" isn't "fun"...
I like a good drink or 8 as much as the next guy, but 12 standard drinks in a sitting, regularly, is fucking stupid.
I've got a solid European background and a large build. I can get through that much, still walk in a straight line, and not even feel it the next morning... But I don't because I know what it's doing to my insides, and there are other ways to get a buzz that don't do nearly as much damage.

Rockpile: Schlerosis or Cirrhosis? They're different conditions. Cirrhosis is too much scar tissue, Schlerosis is the lack of protective tissue layers.

Rage9: Dude, if you're seriously drinking that much and not throwing up, PLEASE see a doctor immediately.
You may feel fine now, but that's going to catch up to you REALLY quickly.
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