How much alcohol is too much?

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New member
Mar 15, 2007
My roommate drank 5 litres of 80 proof in the last 7 days.
Is that too much?

He weighs 155 lbs and is 19 years old.

wtf? if hes not dead or in hospital then no, its not to much. Everyones limits are different.
Yep, I reckon that's a bit too much. tell him to pull it back to 4 L a week.
It shouldn't be a problem for your "rommate" as long as he doesn't do it every week.
As long as he can cut back and stop at will (i.e. is not an alcoholic / truly addicted), I wouldn't worry too much. Everyone needs a good bender once and a while. ;)
As it's already been said, but just wanted to re-iterate. It all depends on body weight, age, tolerance, what they ate that day, what they drank - class of alcohol (beer, vodka, schnapps, etc), time period it was all consumed, etc.. There's a lot of things to consider.

Here's an example. In cancun I consumed about a fifth to a fifth in a half in one day. Most people's response: "bullshit, you'd be dead". Not if it's over a 14 hour period. That's not even "ballsy" anymore. However, when I do 8-10 jagerbombs/my cherry bombs in a half hour or so and I get WRECKED, that's "cool". Too many dependencies.
If he drank half a litre neat in one go THEN he'd be dead. Besides, why the hell do you want to end up like us fucking loser Brits with our Saturday night carnage of smashed in heads and vomit covered pavements?
He's lucky to still be alive. If it was Graves Grain your room mate would be dead. Dead at 19 from drinking that would make him a asshole. Smoke pot and take acid its safer.
If he drank half a litre neat in one go THEN he'd be dead. Besides, why the hell do you want to end up like us fucking loser Brits with our Saturday night carnage of smashed in heads and vomit covered pavements?

it's worse in ireland. a fucking joke
Everyone has different limits and tolerances. My all time high is 35 beers (12 oz. cans of budweiser) over the course of 10 hours. But, I was hungover like hell the next day puking my insides out and I didn't drink again for like 2 weeks. Haha

I know guys who can smash a fifth in one sitting and be fine. Your roommate sounds like he can probably handle his alcohol, so he'll be good to go as long as he doesn't make a habit out of binging all the time. You'd be surprised what one binge will do to your liver.
Ya, try living in Scotland - as someone who doesn't drink, I'm pretty much considered a bit odd.

Much rather get on with my own thing than end up like a fucking pisshead like so many of the folk I went to school with have.
also it's not just your liver but your kidneys as well

I used to drink about a 1/2 liter of vodka a day for a few years, not in one sitting but, throughout the day/night I was going through insomnia among other things. Sleep was and still is the main factor. Now, I just end up dealing with staying awake for 2-3 hrs. day.

Although I've cut down drastically, still do drink, try to keep it at weekends. I think it's going to take some time for my mentality to get used to not being drunk all the time.

I'm not in any good condition, I didn't go through any seizures after quitting like some people do. Although, I'm sure I've cut off a good portion of my years ahead.
If he drank half a litre neat in one go THEN he'd be dead. Besides, why the hell do you want to end up like us fucking loser Brits with our Saturday night carnage of smashed in heads and vomit covered pavements?

Your full of shit. Welcome to Wisconsin. A half a liter [not litre duh] isn't shit. I easily do that on a nightly basis, by that I mean at least 5 times a week.

So no you wont end up dead. And NO I won't puke off that.

Get fucking real.
Your full of shit. Welcome to Wisconsin. A half a liter [not litre duh] isn't shit. I easily do that on a nightly basis, by that I mean at least 5 times a week.

So no you wont end up dead. And NO I won't puke off that.

Get fucking real.

You're dumb if you don't think a 1/2 liter isn't shit.

Just because you don't puke doesn't mean anything.

You can seriously fuck yourself up.

I drank a half-liter a day for a few years and now I have uncontrollable gas all the time and crazy heart-burns which feel like heart attacks. Especially if I drink. Even though I don't drink everyday, I get crazy amounts of gas. My entire digestive system is fucked up. I don't even go to the doctors just in fear of what they might tell me.

You can think you're cool all you want for drinking that much. I know I have. Although the reality is that you are not superman. You are still human and have organs just like anybody else. Just because you think you're hardcore now doesn't mean your body can handle it in the long-run. These organs are not invincible and these chemicals that you consume do effect your body negatively.

I still drink with my body being fucked up as it is but, I still understand the reality and don't stay in a state of denial. I know what I'm continuing to do is cutting my life shorter but, it's what I'm choosing to do for whatever reason that may be.
You're dumb if you don't think a 1/2 liter isn't shit.

Just because you don't puke doesn't mean anything.

You can seriously fuck yourself up.

I drank a half-liter a day for a few years and now I have uncontrollable gas all the time and crazy heart-burns which feel like heart attacks. Especially if I drink. Even though I don't drink everyday, I get crazy amounts of gas. My entire digestive system is fucked up. I don't even go to the doctors just in fear of what they might tell me.

You can think you're cool all you want for drinking that much. I know I have. Although the reality is that you are not superman. You are still human and have organs just like anybody else. Just because you think you're hardcore now doesn't mean your body can handle it in the long-run. These organs are not invincible and these chemicals that you consume do effect your body negatively.

I still drink with my body being fucked up as it is but, I still understand the reality and don't stay in a state of denial. I know what I'm continuing to do is cutting my life shorter but, it's what I'm choosing to do for whatever reason that may be.

Who the fuck are you? Wow glad to hear your life story - if I cared. Sorry to hear you have gas - I have never had it. I imagine it would smell like ass.

I have had heart burn forever and believe me it started as a teen, well before I ever drank period. So what are you trying to get across? Just because your all fucked up doesn't mean I will be. You have to go sometime right?

Stop being - look what happened to me. I mean that's great in all, but I could give a fuck less. I wasn't trying to look like a bad ass, I simply posted to tell someone that they are retarded for posting that you'll die if you drink a half a liter of 80 proof liqueur. In reality that's just stupid, maybe if you get drunk off a beer or two but you'd never get that far. You'd be passed out and puking or whatnot.

You don't just start drinking that much - it's something you work your system into.

So get off my ass with your retarded :xomunch: comments because they are not just.
half a liter a day? jesus christ what the fucks wrong with you people. the hangover from a night of drinking is bad enough for me to not want to drink again for weeks.
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