I'm always trying to keep them to a minimum, and keep domains only that are worth something or are actually in use. When you total it up in impulsive domain purchases, it amounts to a small fortune over the years for domains that do nothing but collect digital dust.
I'm new here. I've been developing online since 1998 bitches!
I have between 100 and 150 domains hosted accross 5 different servers.
Does everyone know why its better to have different servers / Class C ???
I have 4 money sites doing online retail, none of this affilliate or clicking stuff. I sell products! The other 144 sites are keyword domain names of products that link to the money sites.
I also have many wordpress/com blogspot/com youtube/channel spiblog etc properties to maintain.. I'm at about 95% domains used. The only unused ones are the ones I bought 5 days ago but believe me I'm kicking myself they are not in use yet.
Hey there, a good question, being an employer I am sure most of the people won't give an honest answer here, as for me, I am holding 10 domains as a worker.