How is VPS > Shared Hosting?

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New member
Feb 9, 2009
I've been doing a lot of research lately because I'm thinking about finally getting away from GoDaddy (I know, I know) - I started with them over 2 years ago and have had nothing but pleasant experiences with service and customer service, but I'm noticing a few things now that I don't like and are definitely holding me back.

Anyways, in my other post: it was pretty solid that WiredTree is a great company and they are managed (which is definitely what I need at this point) so I am thinking about getting that.

However, here is my issue:

The GoDaddy shared has almost twice the bandwidth, nearly 3x HDD, and is $50/cheaper per month

I'm also confused how the email accounts/databases work

I don't see anything about emails or databases on the VPS, do I need to purchase additional email accounts and/or databases from somewhere for my VPS?

Am I missing something or does this mean I don't really need a VPS yet? lol

Thanks all :)

A VPS is a virtual server within a server. You will have root access and can make all the email and SQL accounts you need depending on space of course. With a VPS you can use the resources and not worry about getting yanked when your php/sql is bumping up the server load on a shared hosting environment. There are many more good things about a VPS but I am not going to sit here all night and market it with all respect :)
hosts take creative liberties with their bandwidth stats. i wouldn't make your decision based upon that.

I wasn't really - Like I said I am confused how the databases and emails will work. If I register a new domain tomorrow and I'm on a VPS, how do I get an email account and database for it?

A VPS is a virtual server within a server. You will have root access and can make all the email and SQL accounts you need depending on space of course. With a VPS you can use the resources and not worry about getting yanked when your php/sql is bumping up the server load on a shared hosting environment. There are many more good things about a VPS but I am not going to sit here all night and market it with all respect :)

I understand the access part, but still don't know how the databases/emails would work. I can't just pull one out of my ass, can I?
All of your emails are setup under your cPanel. You do not need to purchase them each time you need another one. There are tons of email features in cPanel as like catchall forwarding and so on. You are in full control of your domain on a VPS and do not need to purchase anything when you need more, Except SSL certs.
On a VPS you will be provided a WHM login and this is where you setup your domains as a reseller. Then you would login to your actual cPanel to config your site with anything you want. And the one your showing even comes with fantastico so you can install 3rd party script with just a couple of clicks such as wordpress. Blogs on the fly :D
And yes, You can pull any email out of your ass..If you want to setup then you can. FOR FREE!! =\
Ok awesome - I know I could make any email account w/ my domain as the root - So a part of the storage space is for emails/databases whereas on a shared hosting they offer those differently and you don't have full backend access to them?

Starting to make more sense.

Now I just need to figure out how to transfer everything.

Also, would you recommend putting every domain you own on the same VPS (including p202 w/ all that shit going on right now)?
If you are currently on a cpanel hosting account then you will be able to use WHM on your VPS to grab your old account with the user/pass.
And for your last question, Thats up to you. You can put thousands of parked domains on a VPS and run smooth or you can put one resource intensive site and bring it to its knees. There is really no way to justify what you need as I dont know how your traffic etc is.
I can say that at one time I had used two dedicated servers just for one site of mine, One for httpd and other for mysql. So all I can say is, If you currently have them on a shared account then you will probably be fine on a VPS.
Ok - I don't think I've ever gotten close to bringing my shared down, but I was more asking about the security issues. If I have p202 hosted on a VPS along w/ my other sites, is that something you would recommend?

Right now I have 202 hosted on a Cpanel hosting, and my other 15 sites hosted w/ GoDaddy (not cpanel)
There are a lot of things you are confused about profitaddition...

maybe it's not the right time to switch, or maybe I'm entering into a back and forth between two bots to get an affiliate link to the top of the forum,....

but you should understand.

Shared Host - Daddy is holding your hand and cleaning your dipers
VPS (or actual server it doesn't matter) - it's you in your college dorm. You have to cook for yourself, you have to figure out EVERYTHING.

And it's not "what to do when you're making some real money"

I run a $4,000 a day (on good days) business of a shared server.

VPS and Real CO-Location servers are when you've run into a limitation in your shared server, not because you've made the $3/day from google adsense to get that check every month.

p.s. if you're looking at THOSE prices for VPS, try server pronto for ACTUAL REAL SERVERS for under $40
Dedicated servers, dedicated hosting, affordable dedicated solutions at ServerPronto

See no affiliate link.
thedamian why are they so cheap? Yes they are AMD Boxes but man, they are way too cheap...And I am a very cynical bastard...

So Anybody Out there, Use this guys also.....
ive had a dedicated server for 3 years, even when i was just hosting stupid websites for people

i cant understand affilates who dont run dedicated or VPS, i mean there is being cheap and then there is that
I was running p202 on shared, and i noticed about 1/3 of my clicks were going missing, so i upgraded to a VPS and my clicks came back.

A VPS is like having a dedicated server, a bit confusing at first.

With shared you have 1 cpanel and xxx domains added as 'addon domains'.

With a VPS or Dedicated you have full control of the server and have WHM which is like a cpanel controller, and you can make a new cpanel account for each domain if you want.
There are a lot of things you are confused about profitaddition...

maybe it's not the right time to switch, or maybe I'm entering into a back and forth between two bots to get an affiliate link to the top of the forum,....

but you should understand.

Shared Host - Daddy is holding your hand and cleaning your dipers
VPS (or actual server it doesn't matter) - it's you in your college dorm. You have to cook for yourself, you have to figure out EVERYTHING.

And it's not "what to do when you're making some real money"

I run a $4,000 a day (on good days) business of a shared server.

VPS and Real CO-Location servers are when you've run into a limitation in your shared server, not because you've made the $3/day from google adsense to get that check every month.

p.s. if you're looking at THOSE prices for VPS, try server pronto for ACTUAL REAL SERVERS for under $40
Dedicated servers, dedicated hosting, affordable dedicated solutions at ServerPronto

See no affiliate link.

Right, and that's why I haven't switched as of yet. There are a few limitations I'm starting to notice and I plan to expand. I would rather do it now when it will be easier than wait until the future and have possibly one hell of a time transferring everything over.

Thanks for the insights
or maybe I'm entering into a back and forth between two bots to get an affiliate link to the top of the forum,....
nothing to worry about there :) I come from running my own host for years before going into IM and like to "try" to help out with these kinds of things here and there.
I run my own server, and have moved up from VPS and shared hosting along the years. If you don't know how to manage a server (at least the basics of it) and are running on an unmanaged VPS or Dedicated Server, you'd better make sure that your host provides great support or a management option in case anything goes wrong. However, I've found that being on my own server is a lot more stable - and if something goes wrong, I only have myself to blame.

If you do go the VPS route, make sure that you do offsite backups somewhere (many shared hosts do nightly offsite backups, but VPS accounts aren't usually backed up since they're virtual servers).
I run my own server, and have moved up from VPS and shared hosting along the years. If you don't know how to manage a server (at least the basics of it) and are running on an unmanaged VPS or Dedicated Server, you'd better make sure that your host provides great support or a management option in case anything goes wrong. However, I've found that being on my own server is a lot more stable - and if something goes wrong, I only have myself to blame.

If you do go the VPS route, make sure that you do offsite backups somewhere (many shared hosts do nightly offsite backups, but VPS accounts aren't usually backed up since they're virtual servers).

Thanks for the tips - My two options were either moved shared hosting elsewhere (not Godaddy) or get a VPS. I figured VPS because I don't plan to shrink my business, and I don't want to make it more difficult to transfer things when I have expanded further.

Its all good though. Not offended in any way. I can see where he is coming from as shit like that does happen all the time.

Understandable as well - Thanks for giving me a no BS outlook on this info as well David, much appreciated
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