How is this done?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
On some sites, let's say you click an affiliate link and your domain is, the URL in your browser will look like this:

and you wont even see the affiliate ID. How is this done? I take it the site is tracking all of their clicks from the backend some how?

How do I implement this on my site?

Thanks.. and what exactly is the purpose of this (if there is something else besides click tracking?)

Learn some PHP, that is piss easy, even basic PHP'ers will know how to do that.

You can use .htaccess to redirect to anything now a days, that is what I do. I have a file called free-car.php which actually redirects to my affiliate site so I don't have the myspace or whatever place it comes from traffic.
Assuming that you're not going to learn php or that it may take you a while, if you'd like to hide your aff. id / make it look as if a link stays the site, create a file with any name and php extension (i.e. redirect.php) and include this:

  header ('location:');
Simply replace the url with your url and it'll redirect them to your appropriate site.

As for tracking it, you'll have to learn some php to implement that...
Save this as jump.php and add links to your affiliate programs. Then link from your webpage to jump.php?m=YourKeyword

These makes the affiliate links completely invisible.


// This script is to be used with the Affiliate Jump Tutorial at
/* PHP Affiliate Jump Script                                             */
/* ===========================                                          */
/*                                                                      */
/*   Written by Steve Dawson -               */
/*   Freelance Web Developer - PHP, MySQL, HTML programming             */
/*                                                                      */
/* This program is free software. You can redistribute it and/or modify */
/* but please leave this header intact, thanks                          */
Save this page as jump.php and when linking to this script use the following:
  <a href="jump.php?m=XXXXXX">XXXXXX</a> 
Where XXXXXX is your merchant. 
$m = $_GET['m'];

if ($m == "Yourkeyword") {$link = "";}

To add more jump links, just copy and paste one of
the lines above and modify the $m and $link values

header("Location: $link"); // Jump to the hiddden affiliate URL above
If you just want to hide your affiliate ID you can do so with some simple JS

<a href=" xx xxxxxx" onmouseout="window.status='';return true" onmouseover="window.status=';return true">
Check it

create a new folder i.e /wicked that falls right off of the root. take notepad and paste your redirects inside like such

Redirect /wicked/ss.html

Redirect /wicked/df.html

Redirect /wicked/sdf.html

save the file as .htaccess in the wicked folder.

Now when you create an affiliate url just point it to the correct redirect (.ie -- it will redirect to the first redirect in the above example.)

You can also add the wicked folder to your robots.txt although i'm not sure if that's necessary or not
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