How fast you ranked a keyword?


New member
Aug 17, 2013

A lot of SEOers say the time to rank is 1 month, 3 months, 6 months.

Do you even real SEO? I assume someone who says it takes 1 month to rank a medium or high competition keyword knows nothing on SEO.

Record here is 40-48 hours for profitable keywords. Yours?

About half an hour, using only Pingler or something similar.
Keyword is: dd313bb
I also offer $200/h SEO consultations BTW.
JarredLv: nothing outrageous, my ranking base is contextual backlinks. Tons of unique content backlinks.
If I just had enough posts to add a link in this thread I bet I could get OP is a faggot to number in under 24 hours.
Why put a time limit, right-away is how I do it because Google loves me.

Common be serious, your question is front loaded with ambiguities and false signals.

Correct answer:

Ranking depends on competition level

Your content setup

Quality of your backlinks

And most of all, if Matt Cutts loves you.