How Do You Deal with "Entrepreneurial Terror"?

When I go to sleep I have Entrepreneurial Terror every night, because the next day when I wake up all my sites on Google could be axed for for no fucking reason. So yes I have Entrepreneurial Terror. I really need to do something about this.

Happens to me all the time....I've been up since 3am....but it's been a good day, can't complain.

I've had dreams about landing pages, high PR Edu blog, list building, you name it.
Or do like I do. Take a good hot shower. I do my best thinking in the shower. :)

Same here.

Most of the time I sleep really well and can fall asleep within 5 mins. I hope that never changes.

Anytime something serious is going on I won't be able to sleep much which really sucks. Being tired but not able to sleep is a real shitty feeling.
Sometimes I wake up from bad dreams of not picking up a blitz in my flag football league. Shit is terrorizing.

As far as business goes, a lack of sleep typically comes from over-excitement about an idea and not a problem.

Also I agree with thinking while showering. Kind of weird, but I like sitting down in the shower (almost has a seat, not sitting on the floor) and thinking/relaxing for 30 minutes. It's as close to a sauna as I can get.
My mom is my hero. She started with nothing and built up a successful veterinary practice. She finally retired this past year. She always gave me good advice, but as a business owner she told me that "business terror" really never goes away. Since you have all the pressure on you to make money, you will worry. You will fret. You will wonder if what you're doing is right. But at the end of the day, she said it was always worth it.

So even today, I freak out sometimes. I worry that I won't be successful, that I won't make it, that it will all come crashing down. But I remember its all worth it.

Anyone meditate? I've been meaning to give it a try.
Also I agree with thinking while showering. Kind of weird, but I like sitting down in the shower (almost has a seat, not sitting on the floor) and thinking/relaxing for 30 minutes. It's as close to a sauna as I can get.

Not weird at all, I do the same shit.

I'm in the same boat as you guys.

My best ideas come to me early in the morning when I'm in the shower. Sometimes I get so damn excited when I find a solution to a problem that I can't dry off fast enough.

Anyone meditate? I've been meaning to give it a try.

I want to start meditating every day for 30 minutes. It's supposed to put you on another level of clarity and focus.

If you search for meditation you'll pull up some older threads with some good resources.
I also deal with such tech terror problems and what I feel is its all due to the pressure and long working hours.

We should have some kind of schedule of working. Many times things are pretty easier but we can't figure them out at times but later on we can do it in a jiffy. All depends on the mindset.
I used to have sleepless nights when I was doing $7k+/day. Now that my income has dropped considerably, I sleep like a baby :thefinger:
Happens here too.

I also still get that weird feeling on and off, you know how it felt when you first quit your job after you started making enough money to work IM full time? The one where it feels like you either overslept and missed work, or feel like you need to be at work early tomorrow, but you don't actually have anywhere to go. I would best describe it as a phantom obligation.
I have an old phone, and I just send text messages to my email address to remind me of things that I think of at night or during the day. Then I have a filter in my email account that puts all of those messages in the same folder. It's easier than carrying around a notebook for me, but it allows me to record enough of what I'm thinking that I'll be able to come back to it later and not worry about it in the present moment.
I solve this stuff by writing it down. Unless my sites have completely fallen apart I just write it down and go to bed. I find that the act of writing it on a piece of paper labeled "TODO" lets my brain relax and not sweat it until the next day.

Also doubles as a todo list. ;)

This works, completely removes the burden off of the mind.

I also do this with annoying shit I don't want to think about right now or can't do anything about at the moment.

Sleep wise.. I just read mentally taxing books before falling asleep, never had sleep problems... sometimes I fall asleep reading. I made the mistake of reading Dan Brown novels before going to bed, couldn't put it down until hours after I went to bed. lol
I added a whiteboard to my home office too, which has dramatically helped with "issues" and "ideas".

Write a list of to-do's, occasionally re-prioritize them and just hammer through the list.
I suffered badly from this for years. Meditation sorted it good and proper.

The key to solving it is being able to let go and make your lizard brain shut the hell up. But that's very hard to do unless you've learned to discipline your own mind. Which is where meditation helps :)

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Also I agree with thinking while showering. Kind of weird, but I like sitting down in the shower (almost has a seat, not sitting on the floor) and thinking/relaxing for 30 minutes. It's as close to a sauna as I can get.

I have a walk-in shower and ended up buying a nice wooden shower stool so I can do exactly this. The day starts out so much nicer when you've had a nice relaxing 30 minute shower where you can think and introspect.