How do you connect two forms together?

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New member
Sep 26, 2007
I'm stumped on how to do this partially because i'm a n00b

let's say the offer i'm promoting and offer i.e. - dating. The offer page that i'm promoting has the form asking for age,user name, pw etc. How can i put that on my landing page and when the people fill it out - that info gets automatically inputed on the dating offer's page or taken to the next page after they would plug in that info?

I believe you would need to use something like PHP with cURL

You would basically process your form like any other contact form in PHP, but instead of email it or inserting the info into a DB, you would kick out a cURL call to the advertisers LP with the processed information.

I think the only real problem with this is that you need to use your affiliate link to get credit but the majority of the time affil links go through multiple redirects and im not honestly sure if a POST that hit your affiliate link would continue to POST through each subsiquent redirect until it hit your page. I think it would just try to POST to the first page and wouldnt do any kind of POST on the rest of the pages including your advertisers form.
You usually can't. It's only possible with "pre-popable" offers where the data is usually passed through the querystring, like...


If the offer is frameable though, it's possible to do it with javascript. But that could get you in trouble with the advertiser and/or network. So ask your AM before doing anything like that.
You could do what LazyD said, but then you're basically getting into what the advertiser would consider fraud. If you want to do something like that you'd want to setup some kind of backend w/ the advertiser to interact with.
It's possible, just copy the source of the form into notepad, change the "post" variable to "get" upload that to your server. Press submit and you'll get an error on the screen, but you'll now see every variable being passed to their form.

Now whip up a simple php/curl script to fill in those values, send it where they their post and bob's your uncle.

i'm not sure if i should post the link to a particular example cause it might be one of your sites but this is the example that got me wondering how to do it:

when you plug it let's say asdfsdf in the Screenname part and you hit submit it takes you to this site; hxxp:// where asdfsdf is already put into the username

is that done via querystring? it doesnt seem liek it though.

is that done by the method you speak of?
when you plug it let's say asdfsdf in the Screenname part and you hit submit it takes you to this site; hxxp:// where asdfsdf is already put into the username

It seems whatever he is doing is actually being validated by the advertiser. He has the form on his website, right? But if you take a look at the code, you will see:

<form name="login" method="post" action="">

Apparently, the form on his site is posting to a script hosted on the affiliates site. So, my guess is, he is not using his own PHP Curl script to do this.

It seems to me that its something setup between him/her and the advertiser. If not, he found some way to use the advertisers script to prepopulate using his own form.
ask the network/advertiser if you can pass parameters to prepopulate the fields and how you have to do it

you can do it with a url or with a POST form submitted with javascript
wouldn't the advertiser see this as fraud? all of the leads would be coming from the same ip... right? most of the people that have forms on their lp generally ahve something setup between them and the advertiser.
tanks for the help guys.

i just talked to my AM and he said this is white label and the network is trying to implement it on their network
wouldn't the advertiser see this as fraud? all of the leads would be coming from the same ip... right? most of the people that have forms on their lp generally ahve something setup between them and the advertiser.

Meta-refresh generated from a tiny bit of PHP code (on your site) is your friend. It will cause an empty referer to be passed to the affiliate.

Also read OOOFF dot com, he's got a lot more on there about this stuff.
just ask your AFF manager if you can pre-pop on the offer. They'll help you get it working if you are doing decent volume already.
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