How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
The US of A
Everywhere I turn I see another SEO agency doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away.... They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice.

The main question is, How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?

If you have experience with the agency side of things, share your thoughts below...

I find all my clients while giving blowjobs in airport executive lounges. If you can't get in there I hear the bathroom works well to.
Agencies don't do anything different than a solo guy in his mom's basement is doing. They're just doing it on a larger scale and a suit on.
Everywhere I turn I see another SEO agency doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away.... They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice.

The main question is, How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?

If you have experience with the agency side of things, share your thoughts below...

Appearance is everything.
Everywhere I turn I see another Law firm doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away.... They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice.

The main question is, How Do Law Firms Get Clients?

If you have experience with the firm side of things, share your thoughts below...

srsly, really stupid question. it's called sales and can't be covered in a thread or generalized to the degree you suggest.

EDIT: but actually, there is some value in your post, because it may help naive readers learn that being a good seo and being a good lawyer are completely fucking irrelevant to starting and growing a million+$ seo agency/law firm.
Everywhere I turn I see another SEO agency doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away.... They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice.

The main question is, How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?

If you have experience with the agency side of things, share your thoughts below...

All you need to know is in this movie clip ...

[ame=]Alec Baldwin - Glengarry Glenross A Mission of Mercy... - YouTube[/ame]
I find all my clients while giving blowjobs in airport executive lounges. If you can't get in there I hear the bathroom works well to.

Nobody works the bathroom without payin me their fucking tax

As to op. they shake the magic customer tree and they fall in their lap. There are 2 ways to get customers. Word of mouth (best way) which takes years of hard work to rely on. And the other is to go out and find them. Best place to start is create a list of 100 people you know and start calling. This is the key
to success. and when your talking to those 100 people ask if they know anyone you could help. If your list of 100 suck then you need to go out and meet new people. That's about it. Ask enough people and you can compete with anyone selling anything ,in any place
you sound like a technician trying to wear an entrepreneurs hat op, id start by reading the e-myth revisited, then read how to get everything you can... by jay abraham, and then you should follow it with the long and often times boring world of copywriting.

it's a long ass journey, believe me, but after learning how to actually market instead of gaming a rapidly deteriorating business model of getting clients via seo you'll thank me.
Everywhere I turn I see another SEO agency doing millions of dollars and it blows my mind away....

How do you know how much "Net Income" they pull in annually?

They aren't doing anything special or unique, just next-level white hat strategies that we've all heard of and could implement given enough practice.

There are a lot of gullible businesses out there that have people in charge of funds which are easily fooled into thinking something is worth more than it is.

The main question is, How Do SEO Agencies Get Clients?

The answer to this lies in the reason behind your prior statement.