I found you site while doing research for a link building promotion for our blog. I found you on a list on a blog but I can not recall which blog it was.
hard to remember exactly, but at the time was searching for basic info on Aff Marketing so it could have been a number of places - this is the only site that ended up on my link bar though
I don't even remember my account name or the email I signed up with... long story short, got a royalty deal that was way more lucrative than affiliate marketing and dropped off the face of private seobh and here, and now another deal that I am lurking ideas on and couldn't hurt to do some networking.
Jon, how many times to I gotta offer you top tier on the infomercial circuit (a couple a year it seems like) to get you to bite? It is prime right now, so PM... if you are going this deep into thread...
Well I have been a frequent Visitor of this forum from a couple of months. Just didn't register myself till today. I have been a active member at other webmaster forums though. I hope in due course of time , i will get used to this forum.