How can you make a website SEO friendly?

Tips for Making SEO Friendly Website

To have a good presence of your website in SERP you have to adopt some suggested SEO activities:
1. Use original content and avoid duplicate content.
2. Use relevant keywords but don't do keyword stuffing.
3. Use SEO friendly URL that is easily readable by users and it will be better it contains a keyword.
4. Optimized images should be used.
5. Internal linking of website pages.
6. Submit the sitemap in Google Search Console.
7. Create a robot.txt file.
8. Create a mobile-friendly website.

There are few simple tricks for making a Seo friendly Website
1. Make sure your URL is User-Friendly
2. use Alt text with Images
3. Use H1 and other heading tags, Meta title, anchor text etc
4. Make sure you site is mobile-friendly.
5. Create an XML sitemap
6. Use Internal Linking
7. Add no-index, robots.txt file etc.
8. Use 404 code
9. Use unique content
Start by distinguishing between internal and external SEO.
Internal SEO primarily means quality content, well-written meta tags, lack of technical errors, page linking, mobile version.
External is a reference strategy.
If you don’t know about links at all, then use where you can buy at least a basic package already calculated from the minimum parameters. But it’s stupid to start promotion without a typically designed site.
Few tips to make your website SEO friendly:
  1. Optimize your Website’s Design
  2. Relevant keywords
  3. Visual content
  4. Use JavaScript as necessary
  5. Make sure your URL is User-Friendly
  6. Meta tags and content optimization
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Here are 10 tips to make your website more SEO-friendly

[FONT=&quot]Make your URLS user-friendly: simplify your URLs so that you have unique ones for each page.[/FONT] [FONT=&quot]Avoid duplicate content: duplicate content leads to SEO issues that will penalise your rankings[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Create a XML Sitemap: This [/FONT][FONT=&quot]helps search engines understand your website’s structure when they are crawling it.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Make your site compatible for all devices: so that when users access it they can enjoy a good user experience [/FONT]
Use Robots.txt: this is to tell the search engines’ bots the pages that you don’t want crawled to waste your crawl budget

Focus on internal linking: to build page authority and allow your readers to navigate easily within your website and stay longer on your website.

Optimise your images: so that they will not slow down your website

Answer comments: it shows you care and adds to your content’s value

Avoid Keyword stuffing: it can potentially damage your rankings.

Check for your orphan pages: check that all your pages are properly attached to your website structure.
How can you make a website SEO friendly?

There are several ways to make your website SEO friendly. The layout of the website, heading tags, image ALT tags, meta title, and meta description, and several other things matter a lot. If you are working on the SEO friendly eCommerce store store, here is a detailed guide on it. Follow it for more info.
Is this a tricky question? Otherwise I don't understand what OP meant. Optimize your site structure, use meta tags and relevant keywords, every reply above is almost repeating one another
Simple hacks to make a wesbite SEO friendly


Here are a few pointers which might help you. Have a quick look at it.
Creating a professional-looking, well-designed website will not guarantee that your site receives a high amount of traffic or boost your customer base. If you want to increase the traffic that your website gets, you will need to use search engine optimization.
•Increase Social Media into your Website’s design
•Use SEO for images too
•Ensure the URL is user-friendly
•Place your keywords in many different places
•Ensure that your design is accessible
•Be mindful with flash elements it might distract your visitors as well as your website search engine ranking
On your site you should use keywords, phrases and headings. And also you should have content containing these words. It should also be interesting and unique.
Hi, Follow these steps
Make your URLs user friendly. ...
Avoid Duplicate Content. ...
Create an XML Sitemap. ...
Make it compatible with all devices. ...
Use Robots. ...
Focus on internal linking. ...
Optimize your images. ...
Answer to comments.
Avoid Keyword stuffing
If you are thinking about SEO for your site, here's where to start:
- Preliminary site audit
- Analysis of topics and competitors
- Formation of the semantic core
- Clustering requests
- Formation of the site structure
- Internal optimization
- Re-linking site pages
- Content optimization
- External optimization
- Analysis of behavioural factors
- Improved usability and conversion
The importance of search engine optimization in your online presence cannot be overstated. You can increase your search engine rating and attract more traffic to your website if you use SEO effectively. If you want people to find your website, you must employ SEO techniques. When most people think of SEO, they think of the copy on their website. Many business owners make it a point to include specific keywords in their articles, blog posts, and website copy. They frequently fail, however, to make their web design SEO-friendly. Search engine optimization tactics can be used in more than simply the copy on your website. You may apply a few basic strategies to improve your web design SEO friendly as well.
1. Integrate social media into the design of your website
2. Use SEO for images as well
3. Only use JavaScript when absolutely necessary.
4. Make sure your URL is easy to remember.
5. Use your keywords in a variety of places.
6. Ensure that your design is user-friendly.
7. Use Flash Elements With Caution
1.Avoid Duplicate Content
2. Genrate XML Site Map
3. Make Responsive Website Which Compatable For All Devices.
4. Genrate External Link Building
5. Optimise Your Overall Website Content
Use your keywords in a variety of places.
6. Ensure that your design is user-friendly.
7. Use Flash Elements With Caution
SEO website

Here you go, this helped me with my website, so hopefully the advice here works for you. Good luck!

Main points:
1. Use responsive design to connect with mobile users
2. Create website content to target valuable keywords
3. Optimize header tags to help search engines better understand your pages
4. Use internal linking to help search engines crawl and index your pages
5. Optimize meta descriptions to boost site clicks in search results
6. Focus on readability to keep people on your site longer
7. Improve page load time by optimizing images on your website

SEO-Friendly Website: 7 Tips for Creating an SEO-Friendly Site
I'm not a pro in SEO, but it seems like reply from @kellanfaraday is showing all the main directions. I will save this list for myself