How can I monetize this?

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New member
Apr 19, 2007
I have a video of a hot girl 10/10 putting a kit kat up her pussy and then eating it for about 2 minutes. She shoves it all the way up and then eats the whole thing.

Similar video of her doing it with a coffee crisp.

Now this bitch has really betrayed me in the past (worked as as stripper while not telling me even though I obv knew. we wer dating) so no idea why she would let me tape her doing this. It's insanely graphic and well.. insane.

Can I sell it? Can I monetize two videos in anyway or is it just a write off as soon as I put it on the net it will be freely distributed? ?? Can I make a few thousand of this idea?

She is also going to china to get a fucked up leg extension so she can be a supermodel... Should I wait this out in case she becomes famous?

Be honest. I don't mind ruining her life for a few k but I'm not gonna blow my stripper pussy for nothing.

Look at how 2girls1cup is monetized.

Do the same.

If you have no 2257 its illegal. But more than likely you'll never get hunted down for that

Well I don't know if it helps anyone, but looking for what a "2257" was I found this one on the internet.


Don't blame me if it's a bad site (actually just looks like an adult modeling site) But thought someone might be able to use it.
Get a job and leave this girl alone, she obviously has enough problems. Work on yourself and don't worry about getting revenge on people. Think positive and some other gay stuff.

I wouldn't look at it if I were you, but if they are monetizing off of it (I wouldn't know, haven't looked, don't care to know) it might help

I'm reminded of how Bill Hicks thought CocaCola would be able to dominate the drinks industry if they changed their advertisements to something like this...

I say attempt to sell it to Girls Gone Wild, but inform them of the whole "her going to China" bit, and put an embargo on the footage for a few months after her projected recovery time, with conditionals on the royalties contingent on her becoming a model.
Basically, try to get it so you get paid either way, but if she DOES become a model, you get paid a royalty on it.
haha the fact that you are trying to monetize it instantly means you will get the shit sued out of you if you post her image without her permission.
haha the fact that you are trying to monetize it instantly means you will get the shit sued out of you if you post her image without her permission.

I got her permission just not in writing. I will look into this 2275 form I have a way with these asshole girls.

Always remember to keep your guard, they are out to get you.
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