How accurate is 'find my iphone'?

Sorry bro, I hate to break it to you, but those people stole your phone.
I'd say its pretty accurate. Some girl lost her cell down here when she was in Miami and we were able to find it at a particular apartment within a complex the following day.

Update?! I wanna know who the thieves are! Pics?

Prey is the shit. I was looking at it a month ago for a new laptop and the success stories are hilarious. People are so fucking dumb. The first thing most thieves do the moment they get a stolen laptop home is go online and watch porn or surf Facebook. Prey can grab all the info for the shit they're looking at too.

Disable external boot options (CD, USB, etc.) in your bios and lock down your bios with a password too so they can't easily reformat your device while you're at it.
I agree. That scumbag has your phone.
Can you not just report that shit to the police and they will go round and retrieve it.
You have solid proof that they have it.
The app is fairly accurate. I believe if it's connected to a wifi network, the accuracy increases. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Have you tried contacting police?
ABC News used it to find their missing iPad here...

[ame=]TSA Agent Found With ABC IPad: Brian Ross Blotter Investigation - YouTube[/ame]
It's incredible accurate unless you have the iPhone 5... in which case it Apple Maps will make it appear about 18 miles away from where it really is.
All these apps are only useful if your phone is still on. The problem is that even the dumbest thieves today know that they have to turn that shit off if they don't want to be tracked.

I really wish Apple/Samsung/RIM would come up with the idea of integrating a small "emergency battery" in their devices that can be used strictly to keep the GPS services on for a couple hours after the phone dies or is powered off. That would be so fucking helpful.

I've lost 2 iPhones in the past 3 years and I was never able to track them.
All these apps are only useful if your phone is still on. The problem is that even the dumbest thieves today know that they have to turn that shit off if they don't want to be tracked.
might be or might be not
if a person literally want's to steal a phone why not instantly turn it off right so you won't find it on your apps right?

As the post above says. The phone is just lost somewhere in the house.. or might be it was kept by kid.

If the person/s on the house really wants that phone, they'll turn it off the minute they lay hands on it and you won't be able to track them down.
Could it be saying that house but really be a few houses away?

FYI, I just tested my iPhone with the app and it's showing up on the map as the house next door.

So it definitely could be in one of the surrounding homes nearby.