How accurate is 'find my iphone'?


New member
May 31, 2011
Has anyone used it before? Has anyone had success with it?

I lost my wallet/phone yesterday and tracked it to a house using it. I check 5 times over the space of 3 hours and I've logged back on today and it's saying it's still there.

I've been to the house twice but they're saying they don't have it.

Does anyone know how accurate it is? Could it be saying that house but really be a few houses away?

Wasn't intended to be funny, but what's the point in recycling what you can find via google in 5 seconds?

You say you have googled it, but if you had you would have seen the results: people with personal experience talking about it.

For instance, result #2:

It depends.

If the phone is outside it's incredibly accurate. Like, to within a meter or two.

If it's in a small building (like a wood-frame house) then it can probably be pinpointed to that building, but not much more detailed than that.

If it's in a large, signal-blocking office building made of steel, then it may only pin-point it to the correct city block.

Very, very accurate if left where it can get a GPS lock on.

A month or so ago, was dining with wife. I could not find my phone, and being forgetful as I am, was not sure where it was. I used her phone to find mine, and the location on the map was exactly where the phone was: in the console of our car, parked 4 blocks away.

My family and I were on vacation a couple years ago. My wife put her iPhone in the camera bag as we were checking out of the hotel while giving our bags to the porter. Somehow the camera bag never made it in to the car. When we got home (only 2 hours away), we discovered it missing.

Find My iPhone pinpointed the phone (and in turn the camera bag) still at the hotel, just off the main lobby in the porters' office. One call to the front desk and our bag was given to a friend to return to us.

Saved us about $2000 that day!

Plus another 25m results to check out.

Happy to help, funny guy.
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I find it to be pretty accurate for all my devices.

My daughter stayed with my mom this weekend as they do an annual post Thanksgiving trip down to Chicago every year and I checked on her a couple times and it was pretty much right where she was at each time.

When you were at the house it says your phone is at, did you use the 'Play Sound' feature to make it beep?
I would but I didn't have another phone with internet on it. I'm trying to get one now and I"m going to stand outside the house and see if I can hear it.

Do you know what kind of sound it makes? Is it loud enough that I could hear it from outside the house?
It has a pretty distinctive higher pitched bell sound that is fairly loud that repeats 4 times or so. That said, I don't think I would hear it outside if it was going on inside. But I would definitely be able to hear it in the house.
Wasn't intended to be funny, but what's the point in recycling what you can find via google in 5 seconds?

You say you have googled it, but if you had you would have seen the results: people with personal experience talking about it.

Plus another 25m results to check out.

Happy to help, funny guy.

You're right. So right. I'm such an idiot. And you're so smart. And good looking.

Lets make a rule on Wickedfire that we can never talk about anything that's ever been discussed anywhere else. Ever. That way, we won't have to listen to you open your fucking mouth.

Thanks for the input. Really in the mood to fuck around with fucktards right now when some arse monkey has my wallet, ID, and brand new phone.
It has a pretty distinctive higher pitched bell sound that is fairly loud that repeats 4 times or so. That said, I don't think I would hear it outside if it was going on inside. But I would definitely be able to hear it in the house.

Cheers mate I'm going to hear over there. It's saying it's in a room that's on the perimeter of the building so I'll stand outside it and play it. I'll see how I go.
Nice chatting to you, nice guy, hope you find your shit (seriously).
Break into the house while they are sleeping and make sure it's there. Then call the cops on them.