How 50 Startups Got Their Start...


Click, Whirr.
Oct 27, 2008
Canada... eh!
A good watch for those of you who are brave entrepreneurs that are still thriving to solve problems and add value.

[ame=""]50 Groundbreaking Startup Ideas - Video Compilation - YouTube[/ame]

Questions to keep in mind while watching,

Why did that idea work?

How much value is generated vs. the effort that was put in?

How can I apply this to my business model(s)?

There's such a thing as a world without twitter, instagram, facebook, google... but it's hard to imagine because it became part of our reality so quick... how will you become part of peoples reality?
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Cool video, but goddamn I wish the person that put this together would have equalized the sound. It's almost like it's intentionally designed to force people to ride the volume slider. Fuck.
Cool video, but goddamn I wish the person that put this together would have equalized the sound. It's almost like it's intentionally designed to force people to ride the volume slider. Fuck.

Especially starting at about 4:30.

As for the video, I think this proves two points. One, it's who you know, not what you know. And two, it's all about being in the right place at the right time. When I hear things like, "not only did we allow people to upload images, but we allowed them to add a location as well. then our major breakthrough was when we added in the filters and tags", then that just validates it.
it's who you know, not what you know. And two, it's all about being in the right place at the right time.

I think it's also shows some good examples of how the old 'fill a need' starting point can turn into something big.

An epiphany for a new project can go from concept to execution with just a bit of critical thinking and work. There are more than a few examples in this vid. It might not be as big as FB, but it might just pay your bills.

Nothing profound but I always dig seeing the fundamentals things I go to for inspiration being reinforced in profitable ways.
Great video. Thanks for the share. It's always interesting to see where and how the idea was born.

But after watching that video, it just makes me realize it even more...that ideas can come from anywhere, and just about anyone can come up with an idea. But at the end of the day, it's all about the execution.

You may be at the right place at the right time, but if you're not pulling the're just another "I've got a great idea but someone beat me to it" kinda guy.

Now I get more inspired by videos/articles that tells the hustle that goes behind that success rather than just "I thought of a great idea and I was at the right place at the right time" stuff.
One, it's who you know, not what you know.

Bullshit. If you're a smart guy and make an effort to meet people, eventually you'll be recognized for how smart you are. If you're a dumbass, and already know a lot of people, then you'll be well known, but well known as a dumbass.
Bullshit. If you're a smart guy and make an effort to meet people, eventually you'll be recognized for how smart you are. If you're a dumbass, and already know a lot of people, then you'll be well known, but well known as a dumbass.

The world is full of dumbasses, but smart people are in short supply.

The tech industry is built on intelligence, so it makes it easy to weed out retards, but the world in general doesn't make this effort.

Right place, right time does play an important role.

Intelligence, hard work and dedication alone doesn't guarantee success.
The world is full of dumbasses, but smart people are in short supply.

The tech industry is built on intelligence, so it makes it easy to weed out retards, but the world in general doesn't make this effort.

Right place, right time does play an important role.

Intelligence, hard work and dedication alone doesn't guarantee success.

missed seeing you around, bud.
Bullshit. If you're a smart guy and make an effort to meet people, eventually you'll be recognized for how smart you are. If you're a dumbass, and already know a lot of people, then you'll be well known, but well known as a dumbass.

If I remember correctly, there was a thread recently in which OP was complaining that stupid people get rich and how do they manage it.
Nonetheless, being smart will always get you fuhrer further.
Thanks for the inspirational video. But one thing that I think needs more emphasis is that sometimes people come up with GREAT ideas at the WRONG time. In many cases, TIMING is crucial for the right previously introduced (and struggling idea) to be adopted in a big way. In many cases, it isn't first mover advantage that matters as much as the right timing.
If I remember correctly, there was a thread recently in which OP was complaining that stupid people get rich and how do they manage it.
Nonetheless, being smart will always get you fuhrer further.

Wasn't me, but I remember seeing that thread.
great vid, one other thing is that if you're in a place like america or israel you have a distinct advantage that comes from an established startup ecosystem. a lot of these ideas wouldn't have been realized in tech clusters with no proven track record, an abundance of talent and shit scared vcs loooking for certainty. hopefully they catch up

[ame=""]UK Tech Startup Has No Balls - Damian Kimmelman | Silicon Real - YouTube[/ame]
If I remember correctly, there was a thread recently in which OP was complaining that stupid people get rich and how do they manage it.
Nonetheless, being smart will always get you fuhrer further.

Actually I find that being smart means you'll hesitate to take action because you'll overthink it too much. Dumb people make more money since they don't overthink (or do any thinking) and just take action. Hence why you gets lots who are broke... but also some who make loads of money.
Especially starting at about 4:30.

As for the video, I think this proves two points. One, it's who you know, not what you know. And two, it's all about being in the right place at the right time.

I don't get that at all and frankly it is a cop out.

In every story there are couple of common themes.

1. Each person saw an issue with how things were currently done and had an idea for how they could make it better. Basically, they were solving an existing problem that they were dealing with in their everyday life.

2. They thought about the problem, came up with a plan, set a goal and made it happen. Not every result was what they intended to build, but it was the process of working toward a goal that resulted in the ultimate success!

Never underestimate the power of goal setting and the power of positive thinking!
I'm more of a textual learner myself. There was a site that had case studies for sites like craigslist and zappos that I liked. I'll try to dig up the link.
I can't help but think that a lot of these people are just explaining their startup in the most flattering way possible in hindsight..

"Yeah we created this to meet this need and solve this problem."

When in reality some of it must have went like:

"Yeah lets just use their idea and use it in this way to make the most money."