Hott for Teacher link trades

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Jun 24, 2006
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Looking for entertainment, humor type sites to trade links with No PR or traffic requirements, just would like it to be a site that gets updated fairly regularly.

Hott for Teacher is a humorous blog dealing with male student - female teacher scandals, i.e. Mary Kay Letourneau, Debra Lafave, Pamela Rogers, etc. etc.

Just PM me or reply with your site.

That's an interesting site, is it very profitable. (As he swerves off topic recklessly at the risk of pissing everyone off)
It's making about $90 a month through Adsense and BlogAds (mostly Adsense). Nothing earth shaking, but it's only a few months old and the revenue has gone up each month.
Hmmm doesnt load for me either in firefox, just tried internet explorer and it worked fine
Great website, I've never seen something like this before. :)
I'm surprised how popular "student-teacher" relationships are becoming.
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