Hope for Humanity? bystanders lift burning car off of a trapped man

Really, they are a bunch of dicks.


You always have to be careful about the shit you do at an accident. Although they did pick the car off him if some shit happened where they picked it up and ended up dropping the car on him and killing him they could of all been fucked over and sued. A lot of stupid lawsuits make people think twice about helping people because they can sue if something went wrong even if your intentions were good.

Actually, it's a good reason to do a day's first aid training, so you know what to do if you come across shit like this.

You're never meant to move anyone who is in a serious accident without a spinal board & cervical collar, as if they have spinal injuries you stand a good chance of paralysing them permanently.

Likewise, if a motorcyclist is in an accident, leave their helmet on unless they are in immediate danger of suffocating.

Of course, it's a tough call to make as there was a burning vehicle nearby which complicates matters, but they would probably have been better off getting the fire out and leaving him under the car for paramedics to get out safely.

Thanks for posting this though - it's given me a kick to do my paedatric first aid course, as I haven't updated my skills since having a kid, and doing adult CPR on a toddler would probably burst their little chest open like Alien. :spawn:

EDIT: In Germany, you HAVE to do a first aid course to get a driving license, and they have good samaritan laws to compel you to help out. And you know the Germans make good stuff.
Good Samaritan laws would cover this as the victim appears to be in "imminent peril" But I suppose it would be up to a court to decide that one for sure.