Hitmen Hired To Kill Gold Market

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Gatdammit will you PLEASE fucking STOP with this shit. Reading your trivial replies are 10x fucking worse that suffering through the OP.

STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP, we're not in the 3rd grade!

Fuck me. I've never smashed down on the keyboard so hard. You're getting billed ... and you're about to earn your ass a full time troll.

Yet "you" SMASHED DOWN on your keyboard "PHYSICALLY" due to mental frustration?!

Then you went so far as to ACTUALLY publicly disclose this "3rd grade behavior!! LOL!!!


MT (Mental Torturer)

P.S. Let's just take a quick look at a couple of your recent ADULT posts. These I'm sure added great value to the threads.

"That mutherfucker used to be a booger, didn't it?"

"die piggy piggy die"

Careful with the "Troll" slinging there Erect. A pot should not go around calling a kettle black.

P.S.S. This happens to be the "Shooting/Slinging the SHIT" forum just in case you had not noticed. Not one of the main forums.
Yes, Gold and Silver are in play at the moment.

Yes China has a hand in it.

Yes, the Global Economy is being diluted so that those with the means and power will gain even more control over it.

It's always been about power and control. Anyone who even pays the slightest attention to what's happening in the world knows this.

I just found it utterly absurd to be pushing a site that charges $220.00 for what is pretty much common knowledge and available for free at almost every turn.

I really did find it humorous that the site owner would use "goldenjackass.com" for it's site in the face of those they are trying to get to subscribe.

It's even more hilarious that they would use the term "Hat Trick" for their "system" that is bilking the subscriber's bucks.


Yet "you" SMASHED DOWN on your keyboard "PHYSICALLY" due to mental frustration?!

Then you went so far as to ACTUALLY publicly disclose this "3rd grade behavior!! LOL!!!


MT (Mental Torturer)

P.S. Let's just take a quick look at a couple of your recent ADULT posts. These I'm sure added great value to the threads.

"That mutherfucker used to be a booger, didn't it?"

"die piggy piggy die"

Careful with the "Troll" slinging there Erect. A pot should not go around calling a kettle black.

P.S.S. This happens to be the "Shooting/Slinging the SHIT" forum just in case you had not noticed. Not one of the main forums.

Your posts make you look like a douchebag. Not sure if you knew that or not. Now you do.

well, I skimmed the article for about 1 m in and couldn't find anything interesting. I bought gold at $350/oz... now it's at $900 some-odd.

I think it will continue to go up; I'm holding. But I don't think the end of the world is near.
Stop with the fucking smilies :liebe028:and changedfont, faggot.
Here's a little knowledge for you to take to "U of Montana" where you will obviously be saying things like "woo hoo!"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DG6c1JlWv_g&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube - Faggot[/ame]
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