High School Affiliate Marketers?

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ist brüno
Jan 2, 2009
Your Mom's House
Hey guys,

Just wondering if there were any other high school aged affiliate marketers around here. How long have you been in affiliate marketing, and how successful do view yourself? Are you attending college? (dont start another debate about its purpose) lol.


I'm so fucking glad I'm not in HS anymore. Nary has there been a more vile shithole of worthless information and attitudes.
I'll be a senior in High School next year. I've made low $X,XXX through facebook ppc but that ran its course. Summer for me started last week and goes till the end of August so I'm working 8+ hours a day SEO-ing various sites
I'll be going to college next year because I'm not balling yet, I've already been accepted to my dream school and I'll hopefully get scholarships, and I'd like a fall back plan.
My goal is to be making more then my parents combined, low 6 fig's, by the time I turn 18 in 14 months.
I'm 17 and going to be a senior next year. My plan is to finish high school, but I've skipped so many days I'll be lucky to pass for this year.

Education system is a joke.
Man I wish I knew about affiliate marketing back in high school. But I don't think I would have any time because HS was such a blast. Things are always going on during the school year and summer.
I'm an incoming senior and I'm making $xxx/day. I am confident that by the end of the summer I will be making 10x that.

I started AM last year (although only started getting seriously involved in it 2-3 months ago). Before that I was heavily involved in the web hosting industry.

I'm planning on attending college with a degree in computer science. I plan on using all of the money I am making in AM to start a company that creates real artificial intelligence. I already have a program that uses AI to trade stocks, and plan on building heavily off of that.
I already have a program that uses AI to trade stocks

whoa now, didn't we learn from this economic crash about this kind of thing? automated and "intelligent" programs used to trade stocks caused a large inflation in stock and commodity prices worldwide. these were created by quantitative analysts - people with their Ph.D's in math, physics, and computer science.
I find the idea of high school kids making far more kaching than me very humiliating. I could be your mother! Stop that and go flip hamburgers or something!

I'm an incoming senior and I'm making $xxx/day. I am confident that by the end of the summer I will be making 10x that.

I started AM last year (although only started getting seriously involved in it 2-3 months ago). Before that I was heavily involved in the web hosting industry.

I'm planning on attending college with a degree in computer science. I plan on using all of the money I am making in AM to start a company that creates real artificial intelligence. I already have a program that uses AI to trade stocks, and plan on building heavily off of that.

This one was my favorite.

One question... if you're so confident that by the end of summer you'll be making over $1,000/day - what would be the purpose of going to college for a comp sci degree?

You go to college to get a piece of paper that says you can do something so that someone will hire you - not so you can start your own business doing something you supposedly already know how to do.

Grow up.
I'll be a senior in High School next year. I've made low $X,XXX through facebook ppc but that ran its course. Summer for me started last week and goes till the end of August so I'm working 8+ hours a day SEO-ing various sites
I'll be going to college next year because I'm not balling yet, I've already been accepted to my dream school and I'll hopefully get scholarships, and I'd like a fall back plan.
My goal is to be making more then my parents combined, low 6 fig's, by the time I turn 18 in 14 months.

Nice goal... if you go back to college will never be "balling".

In fact... if you make low 6 figures, you still won't be balling unless you do it every year for the rest of your life.

You need to raise the roof on your expectations for life. Stop basing your own success and failure off your parents income.
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