High Quality, Low Cost Links!! 5 Free Review Copies Per Day!! TRIPLE-DOUBLE INTRO S..

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Apr 12, 2010
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Greetings WickedFire... I have something to tell you...

I Got Links, Yo!

Looking for links? Look no further than LowCostLinks.com

We sell dofollow forum links, with your desired anchor text, that are INDEXED with the help of 20 second layer links EACH.

So when you buy X number of links, you get what you pay for... not some smattering of profile links with the pipe dream of them "being indexed organically"... Your site actually benefits from the X number of links bought.


There is a large price list on the main page of LowCostLinks.com

What Is This 'Triple Double' Special???

Please excuse the special's name... I'm a basketball fan!!!

When you make a purchase on LowCostLinks.com, you are entitled to either:

DOUBLE your link order, and we will give you two of the same link package for the price of one!


TRIPLE your links on one single order! Meaning if you bought 500 links, we would give you 1,500!

Don't Believe Me?

Why should you? I can hear the crowd now... "But you're just some skeevy link seller!"

That is why LowCostLinks.com will be giving away 5 FREE review packages (of our 500 link, $40 product) per day!!!

What's The Catch?

  1. One per customer, duh!
  2. Minimum of 50 quality forum posts on WickedFire.com
  3. You must write down (in this thread, while asking for a review!) the funniest joke you can think of at this point in time.
  4. This promotion (and all the extra goodies associated with it!) can end at any time!!!


Now it's your turn to write :) Go ahead, ask a question!

sounds interesting, I will be happy to grab one free review copy.
here is a joke for you:
A blonde, a brunette and a readhead are stuck on an island. For years and years they live there, until one day they find a magic lamp. They rub and rub and sure enough out comes a genie. The genie says "since I can only give out 3 wishes, you may each have one."
The brunette goes first, "I have been stuck here for years, I miss my family and my husband and my life-- I just want to go home" ... POOF she is gone.
The the red head makes her wish "This place sucks, I want to go home too" ... POOF she is gone.
The blonde starts crying uncontrollably. The genie says to her "My dear what is the matter, "I wish my friends were here" ... POOF!!!
Okay, I'm in for a review copy. pm me details

here is your ha-ha,

Jose and Carlos are both beggars. They beg in different areas of town.

Carlos begs for the same amount of time as Jose, but only collects about eight or nine dollars a day.

Every day, Jose brings home a suitcase full of ten dollar bills. He drives a Mercedes, lives in a mortgage-free house, and has lots of cash to spend.

"Hey, amigo," Carlos says to Jose, "I work just as long and hard as you do, so how come you bring home a suitcase full of ten dollar bills every day?"

Jose says, "Look at your sign, what does it say?"

Carlos' sign reads;

I have no work, a wife and
six kids to support.

"What's wrong with that?" Carlos asks him.

"No wonder you only get eight or nine dollars a day!"

Carlos says, "Alright, so what does your sign say?"

Jose's sign reads:

I only need ten dollars
to get back to


I'll take a free review. Shoot me a PM. Here's your free joke:


Blonde paint job
A blonde, wanting to earn some money, decided to hire herself out as a handyman-type and started canvassing a wealthy neighborhood. She went to the front door of the first house and asked the owner if he had any jobs for her to do.

"Well, you can paint my porch. How much will you charge?"
The blonde said, "How about 50 dollars?" The man agreed and told her that the paint and ladders that she might need were in the garage. The man's wife, inside the house, heard the conversation and said to her husband, "Does she realize that the porch goes all the way around the house?"
The man replied, "She should. She was standing on the porch."

A short time later, the blonde came to the door to collect her money.
"You're finished already?" he asked. "Yes," the blonde answered, "and I had paint left over, so I gave it two coats. "Impressed, the man reached in his pocket for the $50. "And by the way," the blonde added, "that's not a Porch, it's a Ferrari."
Great jokes guys, I'm liking this promotion already :)

That is 3 review copies gonzo! Meaning there are 2 left to be given out until I come back on tomorrow to say there are 5 more review spots open!!!

NOTE: Free reviews are only given out during WEEKDAYS, I do have a life! :)
No good sir, you will not!

That is.. not until you complete pre-requisite 3 of my "What's The Catch???" header! :)

Make it a good one!
I'll take that last review copy :)

Please PM details and I'll be happy to review.


A farmer is lying in bed with his wife when he turns to her grabs her tits and says "Honey if you could get milk out of these we could sell the cow".

Then he grabs her pussy and says "Honey if you could get eggs out of here we could sell the chickens".

She turns to him smiles,grabs his dick and says "Honey if you could get this up I could get rid of your brother".

Congratulations elgordo! The 4th review package of the day is yours!

A zinger indeed, good one! Check your PMs :)

There is currently one more review package left to be claimed for the day!

First person to post a decent joke gets it!
lol sorry I didn't read the whole message... assumed you would give away free reviews like everyone else, just by requesting on topic.

Here's the funniest joke you ever heard of:

Management Lesson

Michael wanted desperately to have sex with this really cute, really hot girl in his office... But she was dating someone else. One day Michael got so frustrated that he went to her and said, I'll give you $100 if you let me have sex with you....

The girl looked at him, and then said, 'NO!'

Michael said, I'll be real fast. I'll throw the money on the floor, you bend down and I'll finish by the time you've picked it up.'

She thought for a moment and said that she would consult with her boyfriend. So she called him and explained the situation.

Her boyfriend says, 'Ask him for $200, and pick up the money really fast. He won't even be able to get his pants down.'

She agreed and accepts the proposal.

Over half an hour goes by and the boyfriend is still waiting for his girlfriend's call..

Finally, after 45 minute's the boyfriend calls and asks, 'What happened.... Still breathing hard, she managed to reply, 'The bastard had all quarters!'

Management lesson:

Always consider a business proposition in it's entirety before agreeing to it and getting screwed.
Could I get the first review copy tomorrow?

Here's your joke

Congratulations elgordo! The 4th review package of the day is yours!

A zinger indeed, good one! Check your PMs :)

There is currently one more review package left to be claimed for the day!

First person to post a decent joke gets it!

Never got a PM :)
Avatar33, GREAT joke!! Hilarious and informative at the same time! Last review copy of the day is yours :) Check your PMs!

Elgordo, PM has now officially been sent :)

AllBizNiz, another GREAT joke! I'm not sure whos is funnier?? :p The heim will make you laugh every time :) But I'm sorry, you're going to have to be a few minutes quicker tomorrow!! I cannot keep track of future review copies... otherwise this list would be miles long in a few hours. Hopefully you understand, you comical genius you!

Hidden Ninja, see above!

Thanks for all of your interest!!!

I will be back online tomorrow to start the races again :) Please do not ask for any more review copies until I say they are available...

I will give you a hint... I wake up around noon every day... and come online promptly... but where in the world does Jabberwokky live???
I'll take a free review too. Don't have 50 "quality" forum posts (lol, who has?) but 15 iTraders. Should qualify.

My joke?

Uhmm ...

There is a nigga family living near a pond. One day a white man comes and asks the nigga family if they want to become white. Sure they agree!

So the white guy tells the family to just go through the pond and they will become white.

First the father goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the mother goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the daughter goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the son goes throug the pond... but suddenly a crocodile shows up and eats the son.

Whats the response of the family?

Ah it was just a nigga.
Woo hoo hoooooowee!!

Nothing like a good racist joke, but oh man :p

You have 74 forum posts as of right now, and a great joke, so you do qualify for a free review copy! BUT sadly all of the reviews have been taken for the day! Please try your luck tomorrow when I open up the free review copy requests again!

I repeat:


As a nigga, I'm offended.

I'll take a free review too. Don't have 50 "quality" forum posts (lol, who has?) but 15 iTraders. Should qualify.

My joke?

Uhmm ...

There is a nigga family living near a pond. One day a white man comes and asks the nigga family if they want to become white. Sure they agree!

So the white guy tells the family to just go through the pond and they will become white.

First the father goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the mother goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the daughter goes through the pond... and becomes white.
Then the son goes throug the pond... but suddenly a crocodile shows up and eats the son.

Whats the response of the family?

Ah it was just a nigga.
Ok guys... now giving away free review copies for all folks offended by jokes! J/K :p

Honestly though onthewayup, sorry that you were offended by a post in my thread.

I was considering making the review qualification a "family friendly joke"... but judging from the content in the Shooting the Shit section and on this forum in general I didn't think I had to worry.

Once again, my apologies.

On another note: review copies will take up to 5 business days to complete - just like every order made through LowCostLinks.com - quality takes time!
5 More Review Copies Available Today!

There Are 5 More Review Copies Available!!!

I don't have time today to moderate who's joke came first, so the next 5 funny jokes to be posted, by people with 50 quality posts or more will get a free review copy!!!

After 5 reviews/jokes have been posted, consider the free review copy period closed for the weekend until I re-open it again on Monday!

I will be taking orders in the meantime.

Good luck!
Sweet, I'll grab up on one :). Here's another joke

A lawyer dies and goes to Heaven. “There must be some mistake,” the lawyer argues. “I’m too young to die. I’m only fifty five.” “Fifty five?” says Saint Peter. “No, according to out calculations, you’re eighty two.” “How’s you get that?” the lawyer asks. Answers St. Peter: “We added up your time sheets.”
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