High-Quality Content from an English native pursuing an English major—$2/100 words

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Jun 25, 2010
Mesa, AZ
Rating - 100%
7   0   0
Due to my last thread being inactive for 95 days, I was unable to post in it. To view that thread, you can visit High-Quality Content from an English native pursuing an English major—$2/100 words - WickedFire - Affiliate Marketing Forum - Internet Marketing Webmaster SEO Forum. Up until the last couple of posts, I had nothing but positive reviews and my iTrader still remains in the green.

As a disclaimer, I have this to say: In October, life threw a slew of curve balls my wall and they all hit me very hard, hence my hiatus from Wickedfire. In the midst of this hiatus, I had a few orders that went incomplete and I have already PM'd those I wronged offering them pro bono content in an effort to right my wrongs. The way I dealt with my fifth-life crisis was incredibly unprofessional, and I deeply apologize for those I fucked over. It will never happen again.

That being said, I'm ready to take on content writing again. My rates remain the same and the bulk discounts still apply. I have a lot of time this upcoming week, so if you're looking to get large orders in, this is the best time to get at me.

If you're hesitant to order from me, I just recently completed an order for dchuk who should be popping his head in at any moment with his review of my services. That being said, let's get this shit rolling. It's time to make bank!

The Who, What, Where, When & Why of My Service
Who am I?
My name is Houston, but the majority of my friends call me Hustin (hence the username). I'm 19-years-old and currently pursuing a major in Marketing at the Arizona State University. I was born in the United States, have lived here all my life, and am a native English speaker.​
What am I offering?
I'm offering high-quality content at $2/100 words on whatever topic you need content written for. If you have a bulk order, discounts are as follows:
  • 2.5K - 4.9K words will receive a 5% discount
  • 5K - 7.9K words will receive a 10% discount
  • 8K words and above will receive a 15% discount
If I think I will need more time to write your content due to it's topic, I will let you know upfront. Moreover, I will require the money be paid upfront through Paypal.​
Where am I located?
I currently live in Mesa, Arizona.
When can I start taking on orders? When will your receive your order?
I'll start taking on orders as soon as my free review copies have been taken, completed, and the reviews have been posted. I am offering 3 free review copies of 500 words each to 3 reputable Wickedfire members who have over 1,000 posts and an iTrader above 10.

Right now, the turn around time for content will be 24 hours or less for orders less than or equal to 1,500 words. This is subject to change as I get a better gauge on how long it takes me to write content on specific topics, and the changes will be relayed to you upfront. In fact, any changes I make to any of my original information will be relayed upfront to those who wish to use my services. I'm not here to fuck you over, I'm here to help you.

And, just an FYI: I have classes Monday through Friday. Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday I am done with classes by 12 and every Tuesday, Thursday by 3. Again, if my schedule changes or I have plans that will conflict with fulfilling orders, you will know upfront.​
Why am I offering this service?
The most obvious reason I am offering this service is also the most materialistic: money. However, that's not the only reason. I decided I'd offer this service as a way to give back to the Wickedfire community. I have my own specific internet marketing goals I wish to achieve, and this forum will play a huge part in allowing me to achieve my goals while helping me work through my failures.

I plan on participating in threads outside of BST, obviously, but this is the best way I can turn a passion of mine into something of value to the other members of Wickedfire.

In the words of Isaac Newton, “If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.” I realize that in this business, much like in life, how successful I am rests in large part on the borrowing from and expanding upon the intellect and imagination of those who came before me.

That acknowledged, I know I will get no where if I don't pay homage to those who have or who will help me along the way. This content writing service is the venue I've chosen to show my appreciation while building up my reputation in this community.​

Other Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
If you have any other questions, comments, or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask. For the sake of transparency, please do not PM me any of the above unless what you're PMing me about contains proprietary information. I will obviously respect your necessity for privacy, but I want everything out in the open so that I can allow myself to stay open to criticism. It is the only way I can improve both my service and my reputation.
Contact info:
AIM: hustinjones

Well, how do you contend with tricky health issues?
I am constantly looking for professional writers to aid me. I simply cannot write all the articles I need, so I look for writers to lighten the load.
I will PM you with more details...
Well, how do you contend with tricky health issues?
I am constantly looking for professional writers to aid me. I simply cannot write all the articles I need, so I look for writers to lighten the load.
I will PM you with more details...

I've yet to face a topic I cannot tackle, so whatever you throw at me I'm positive I can write about. I'm eagerly awaiting your PM.
just moved from mesa to maricopa myself....could use some articles but will have to see new reviews first if ya dont mind..bookmarked
just moved from mesa to maricopa myself....could use some articles but will have to see new reviews first if ya dont mind..bookmarked

No worries! I should have some new reviews up within the next couple of days. PM once you've read the reviews, are satisfied, and are ready to begin moving forward with the content.

So I've known and worked with Houston for quite a while now. I had hired him to do some content for a site back in like August or September I think, and he fuckin nailed it. Beautifully written, clear, way over the length I ordered, accurate, just great. Houston is a smart smart kid and can really pump out great content. He's interested in IM and focuses on useful content that can be applied to the types of projects and sites we all build.

He kinda disappeared shortly after we worked together, and at first I didn't think anything of it, but then as time went on I got to the point of worry about him. I know he has another thread here where others felt the same way. Finally about a week ago I got back in touch with him after months, found out he was having a bit of a tough time (no fault of his, life happens) and he's doing much better. I sent him an order within a half hour of talking to him again, he had it back to me within two days, and the content was once again fucking incredible. Best of all content I order.

I've since been talking to him every day, trying to help him out with any questions or advice or anything. I know what it's like to flip life the middle finger and feel for him, and I know he's probably the most talented writer on here, so I wholeheartedly support him and his work and will be sending him work pretty much every day as I build out my sites, as well as probably helping him get his site network built out and making money.

I know a few guys might have been burned a bit on old projects, but he's ready and willing to fix all of that and right any wrongs and move forward.

I said earlier, and will say again: Houston is one of the best writers on Wickedfire. Give him work, he will impress you.
For those of you who may be interested in ordering content from me in the future, but are hesitant until new reviews have been posted, I understand entirely. However, below I'm going to go ahead and include some reviews from my past thread that exemplify my services.

poisonsembrace said:
I contacted HUST1N to write some articles for me and he responded quickly. I ordered a handful of articles and he completed them as instructed the first time with no issues.

I paid upfront as I don't have any history here and am not entitled to a review copy but the work is of excellent quality and I would recommend his services to anyone needing articles that of great quality by a native English speaker.

Grindstone said:
Hust1n wrote me a review article. Style of writing was really good, structurally sound, and very engaging. No grammar issues noted. Going to line him out with some work later this week, certainly one of the better writers I've seen at his price point. Thanks!

sonchai said:
Thumbs definately up for Hustin! He completed a review article which was written in the exact style I was looking for. Communication was fast and concise. He also completed the article well within the timeframe he stated. When Im ready for more articles Ill be looking up Hustin! He's my goto for quality content. Cheers dude.
Msg'd Houston on AIM for a couple test articles for my money sites.

He had all 5 completed within 24hours, and they all made the "cut" to get used on my main sites. Will likely order more when I need fresh content.
Msg'd Houston on AIM for a couple test articles for my money sites.

He had all 5 completed within 24hours, and they all made the "cut" to get used on my main sites. Will likely order more when I need fresh content.

Thanks for the review, bauss. It was a pleasure to work with you and I look forward to working with you again in the future. That being said, I'm a bit over-booked for the time being, but am still open for orders as long as you can handle a 72-hour expected delivery date.

I'm essentially always online so if you're trying to reach me, you'll get a response almost always within a few hours. Again, you can send me an email at hustinjones@aim.com, IM me on AIM at hustinjones, or simply PM me your details.
I respect Dchuk's opinions and am gonna see if Houston can hook me up with an article on a money site of mine that's been struggling. Will be about 750 words.

Might make an entire site out of this with him if he likes it and it goes well.
I respect Dchuk's opinions and am gonna see if Houston can hook me up with an article on a money site of mine that's been struggling. Will be about 750 words.

Might make an entire site out of this with him if he likes it and it goes well.

Berto, I just responded to your email. Appreciate your business and am looking forward to working with you in the future pending you like what I give you.
Hey bro I've got a project that needs about 20 articles done - 4-500 words each, let me know if you're available for this.
Workload's a bit heavy, fellas. But, I'm still truckin'. I've PM'd or emailed all those who have outstanding orders that I've yet to complete, but I'm still open for orders. There will just be a slight delay in when you get 'em. Get at me!
Good to see you've made amends and you're back at it.

For the record, HUST1N offered me an article pro bono to make up for disappearing last time but I declined (I have a new writer at the moment, wouldn't be right to hit and run so to speak).

I don't know HUST1N that well but it did seem out of character at the time for him to up and disappear and I think it speaks volumes that he came back to 'face the music' instead of just making a new account like so many others do.

If you need well written content, he is definitely your man.
Hmmm... he's a few days late with my articles.

Normally, I would let it slide, but he's ignored me on AIM and ignored emails. Also... I just read some of his negative reviews from his old thread and I'm getting a bit worried.

Anyone else having a problem with him now?
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