High PR - Dofollow - Edu - Gov - Wiki - Forum - Blog + More - Authority Link Blitz

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New member
Feb 16, 2010
Rating - 100%
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The title pretty much says it all, so let me cut to the chase on the details.

My Authority Link Blitz:

500+ Wiki posts on High PR or Edu or Gov Domains (clarification, cause the graphic below says and not or. Its or, its a mix)

2000+ Dofollow links, mostly in content, this is generally Forum Posts and Custom Platforms I have trained.

Both of those go to your money site.

5500 High PR or Edu or Gov Blog links (a mix)that get spread between your money site, the wikis and the dofollow links.


1000 Forum Profiles on Dofollow or High Pr or Edu or Gov Domains (a mix)

225 Whois Links on High PR or Edu or Gov Domains (a mix) - These are lighter links as they are "whois" style links, but they are on quality domains.

40K Blog links spread between the forum profiles, the whois links and the Wikis


Bonus: First 15 orders get a permanent post on my small private high PR network. 2 - PR 2 domains and 1 PR3 domain. These posts are guaranteed to remain on the home page for at least 1 month, if not more. Max 2 links per post, max 20 posts on the home page.

I also sent this out to 300+ prior buyers that have bought similar services from me, so the bonus is cumulative, 15 total.

To help visualize this, I made a graphic. Its worth noting I put my effort into SEO and link building and acquisition, not into graphic design. Im just trying to visually express the package. So visually the graphic has a poor design, fortunately google ranks websites based on links and seo and not my graphic design skills. :)


With the exception of the 40K blog comments (and some of them are as well) these links are all either dofollow or on authority domains or both.


This gig is for 1 week only. It closes down Tuesday Aug 7th.

IMHO this is definitely worth more then $55, so some people will ask why I am doing this for this price and only for 1 week. For the time it takes for this gig its not worth it to me to do it for $55. Which is also why I am only doing it for 1 week, because of the time involved overall with this gig. The reason I am is because I have a friend who has had some tough times as of late. They need to pay some bills, fix one of their kids teeth and more. So 100% of the money goes to them from this gig. So this is a one off. If you want to come back for 2nds after the gig closes because of the rankings increase, then you can pm me and we can work something out with some extras and a higher price.

Urls and Anchors:
You have 2 choices here.

If you want to lock specific anchors to specific urls, then there is a max of 5 urls, and each url can have unlimited anchors.

If you want to use the same anchors for All of the urls, then you may use unlimited anchors and unlimited urls. Bearing in mind that if you use too many urls you might spread the links so thin you don't see much actual serp benefit.

Note: In content posts such as wiki, bonus blog network, forum posts etc... will have a Max of 2 links per post. Yes I know a lot of people put 3, but I want these links to stick and 2 is reasonable, 3 starts to look like spam. Sometimes less is more.

Formating Urls and Anchors:
I don't need special formats, just a list, ideally 1 url and 1 anchor per line. For example.

Keyword 1
Keyword 2
Keyword 3

Keyword 1
Keyword 2
Keyword 3


XLS, CSV, TXT - Whatever

Delivery Timeframe:
Delivery in 1 week or less. Like I said, this takes some time, because I don't do shoddy work. That and I am going to be hammered with orders from this and other stuff I am doing to help my friend out.

A complete report will be given at delivery.

Are there bulk discounts?

Not much, since Im doing the work and Im not getting the money, I want to preserve as much income as possible for my friend. If you want to order 5+ orders, pm me and we can work out a deal.



After payment you will be redirected to a form where you can fill in your details.

Review Copies:
I gave a complete review copy to grindstone

I am offering 2 more review copies for free. However these 2 review copies will be for everythign EXCEPT the bonus. This is because there are limited slots on the blogs in order to maintain integrity and I have to reserve this for paying folks. Fair right?

To qualify for a review you must meet the minimum WickedFire Guidelines, which is 200 posts and 10 itraders. Also I need you to be able to leave a review within 24 hours of receiving the report. Since I don't have any pending orders at the moment, I will get your order done in 24 hours or so, and get you a report. Id expect the report late Wednesday if you snag a review today. So then posting your review by late thursday would be needed. If you can't do this cause you "have plans" will be on holiday etc... then please don't ask for a free review. Nothing personal, but this is only a 1 week sale. and time is of the essence in all things business.


I am going to extend this service. I ran into some trouble, a server got taken offline for a day due to a power supply failure, general issues, life all that good stuff. This prevented me from getting out reviews in a timely manner.

Thus far without reviews I of course havne't sold all that many, and I still need to help out my friend. 1st review is sent and 2nd should be shortly followed by the 3rd.

I am extending this service till Sunday August 11, 2012

Where is the reviews from everyone. Your thread is going to be over before the reviews come in

Just got my report yesterday. Meant to drop in last night a left the review but couldn't get to it. So here it is.

Review Summary: As described and over delivered
Communication: 4/5
Quality : 4/5
TAT : 4/5

I am loving this package. It has been a while since Ive done a crazy inter web of links pointing all over the place. I have been hitting my biggest traffic days on my money site for the past 48 hours. Im not saying that this is the sole thing that is making that happen, I have also been doing a lot of development work on the site this week, but I know that this has defiantly helped. As far as bumps in the serps go I did a lot of diversity on this package only because I have a lot of keywords that kinda flutter around, Im trying to get them more stable and used this package for that. I have seen a nice little upswing on a handful of them already.

Loopline is the shit. He always delivers the hotness. The over delivery was nice and I highly recommend using these links on your site.
Service Closed
No longer accepting new orders. All existing orders will be delivered in the specified time frame.

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