Hidden Government Scanners From US Govt Within 2 Years

You don't think other countries will employ the same technology?
Sure they will. You just have to keep living in poor places where the government is more concerned with looting the natural resources than who is carrying bombs or drugs.

There is no "threat" to the south. If you examine the historical economic growth in this country, you'll see that our most prosperous and productive period coincided with a largely open immigration policy.

Immigrants = Cheap Labor

Cheap Labor = Bigger Margins For Business Owners

Bigger Margins For Business Owners = Increased Capital Formation

Increased Capital Formation = More New Businesses (Jobs)

All the while our people suffer from greed. Fuck margins, fuck cheap labor. But then again, what a white man would do for a dollar a nig would do for 50 cents, a mexican would do for a dime and an indian would do for a nickle right? As long as we're making money, who the fuck cares who dies, struggles, or suffers from this corrupt doctrine. All our clothing is made in central america - most products are made in china - most IT and CS is offshore in asia. Yet our country remains in debt, poor and full of sad corruption. Yet we wonder why....


A victim of brainwashing through multiculturalism through MTV and other various forms of television? .....But incorrect, just smart and full of common sense is all. Remember mah dear, hundreds of millions have always believed in what I believe in and many still do (just keep it to themselves due to white guilt). Your new liberal, zionist "lets all get along" agenda is something only recently put out to mix the masses since the jews never once had a homeland of their own (mud people) and control our media. It's sad to see this is working on your part and that you're confused. But people with such thoughts should be sterilized imo.
Does anyone ever wonder, why airports? I would be easier to simply hit a building, buss or whatever. I don't understand it. I mean I can see on flights coming into the US but not people flying domestically.
Does anyone ever wonder, why airports? I would be easier to simply hit a building, buss or whatever. I don't understand it. I mean I can see on flights coming into the US but not people flying domestically.
You're trying to think rationally. This isn't about rational responses to potential security threats. This is about indoctrinating people to surrendering privacy and maintaining an aura of perpetual fear and paranoia.

It's well known that emotional people struggle with decision quality. That's why fear is so effective politically. It keeps people from being able to see clearly.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wp_K8prLfso"]I'm here to chew bubblegum... - YouTube[/ame]
Does anyone ever wonder, why airports? I would be easier to simply hit a building, buss or whatever. I don't understand it. I mean I can see on flights coming into the US but not people flying domestically.

Because they couldn't keep up the 9/11 lie otherwise, duh!
im sure it doesnt work as good as they say.

First a room full of moving people, would be almost worthless. You would have to use it one by one at a check point. Even then, i am not convinced it would work as one would think.

I can already think of a way to mess with this machine, to get something pass a check point.

The makers might make a truck load of cash off this, but who cares.. the tax payers will pay for it... or i mean add it to the 40% borrowed debt load.
What's almost as scary as the scanners are the idiots at the TSA and Dept of Homeland Security who will be operating them. Giving scanners with this kind of power to idiots who have zero common sense, usually only have the equivalent of a GED, and IQ's less than 90 is lunacy.

Remember when the full body scanners came out and we were told that the scanners couldn't store images and that agents had no access to the images after a person passed through the scanner? Then some of the TSA idiots started sharing the images of attractive women that had just walked through the scanner?

Hmm... What could go wrong here?
Immigrants = Cheap Labor

Cheap Labor = Bigger Margins For Business Owners

Bigger Margins For Business Owners = Increased Capital Formation

Increased Capital Formation = More New Businesses (Jobs)

"don't get More New Businesses... get rid of cable and upgrade to DirecTV."
im sure it doesnt work as good as they say.

First a room full of moving people, would be almost worthless. You would have to use it one by one at a check point. Even then, i am not convinced it would work as one would think.

I can already think of a way to mess with this machine, to get something pass a check point.

The makers might make a truck load of cash off this, but who cares.. the tax payers will pay for it... or i mean add it to the 40% borrowed debt load.

You think a room full of moving people will be a problem for this tech?

They simply need to couple it with this > Japanese CCTV Camera Can Scan 36 Million Faces/Second - Slashdot

Then they can put a giant projector with the face of the 'illegal' and turn people against each other before they even reach the entry gate.
You think a room full of moving people will be a problem for this tech?

They simply need to couple it with this > Japanese CCTV Camera Can Scan 36 Million Faces/Second - Slashdot

Then they can put a giant projector with the face of the 'illegal' and turn people against each other before they even reach the entry gate.

Im sure a computer could scan that fast, however.. you need to make out someones face first.. a camera wouldnt be able to focus all that well in a crowd.

computers need to get much more powerful to really do a camera scan that really works...

Im not sure it will make much of a difference soon anyway, the usa is going down the debt drain, the eu is a mess.. and china is slowing.
Im sure a computer could scan that fast, however.. you need to make out someones face first.. a camera wouldnt be able to focus all that well in a crowd.

They already have infinite focus camera tech, which takes 1 picture and has all possible focuses contained within the file. It would be trivial for a PC to go through every focus and analyze faces. src. Lytro camera hands-on (video) -- Engadget

computers need to get much more powerful to really do a camera scan that really works...

I don't think we need more powerful computers. Faces are simple, facial recognition is even simpler - these programs don't scan every pixel of each face, they simply identify enough of it for false positives or duplicates to happen rarely.

Here's a quote from how stuff works on face recog, based on these criteria a 'face' is probably like 1kb or less.. again, trivial for PCs of today.

Every face has numerous, distinguishable landmarks, the different peaks and valleys that make up facial features. FaceIt defines these landmarks as nodal points. Each human face has approximately 80 nodal points. Some of these measured by the software are:

  • Distance between the eyes
  • Width of the nose
  • Depth of the eye sockets
  • The shape of the cheekbones
  • The length of the jaw line

Im not sure it will make much of a difference soon anyway, the usa is going down the debt drain, the eu is a mess.. and china is slowing.

Everything matters.
They're only talking about airports now, but who's to say the tech won't eventually get installed on every cop car? Who's to say that private corps won't buy it to scan employees coming and going every day? etc. etc.
you beat me to it. sure airports is the starting point. when the peeps accept it as an 'anti-terrorism' measure shit will be on each corner but will be too late to realize it's to control domestically all the people
The scenery and seclusion alone won't do it for me. We'll need some Ginger and Mary Annes for our island so we don't get bored.

We could kind of go libya style and girls would get food + housing + whatever for free. Im sure we could get shitloads of hot babes wanting to live in paradise for free.