Hidden Government Scanners From US Govt Within 2 Years


New member
Aug 10, 2007


Come at me.

Add Russia to the list as well, article states they have similar technology.
You're watching a sunset, thinking it's a sunrise.

On the west coast, which is where I've spent most of my time in America, the sun was over the sea in the evening, making it a sunset. It was a beautiful evening with lwbco, he was such a gentleman.
On the west coast, which is where I've spent most of my time in America, the sun was over the sea in the evening, making it a sunset. It was a beautiful evening with lwbco, he was such a gentleman.

he gently kissed my cheek and we held hands as the sun dipped beyond the horizon.
5 bucks says we still won't be trusted with more than 3 oz of shampoo on a plane

Not only do we lose more privacy, but we still won't have access to full body and shine
so what about the illegal aliens, will it just come up as "N/A" and they'll be allowed to pass? all this technology yet our country gives two fucks about the threat to the south....
so what about the illegal aliens, will it just come up as "N/A" and they'll be allowed to pass? all this technology yet our country gives two fucks about the threat to the south....

For the record, I legally entered America, from the north.

And I'm 100% white.
Formed in Montreal in 2009 by PhDs with specialties in lasers and fiber optics, Genia Photonics has 30 patents on this technology, claiming incredible biomedical and industrial applications—from identifying individual cancer cells in a real-time scan of a patient, to detecting trace amounts of harmful chemicals in sensitive manufacturing processes.

Cool. So after it gives people cancer on the streets, it will be able to detect it in the hospital.