Herman Cain

Who the fuck would you rather have? That total retard Perry? Or maybe the cunt Bachman. They all suck.
For laughs, Herman Cain and economics...

How Herman Cain Missed the Biggest Recession of Our Era - Conor Friedersdorf - Politics - The Atlantic

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Why are we still going along with this charade? It astounds me that these people gain any support at all- how stupid do you have to be to have faith in someone like Herman Cain?

There should be a 'shuffle' option for the American public to vote on that lets us dump all the current candidates and get a new batch, and we can keep doing this until they produce someone who isn't downright evil and villainous.
Take away Paul and who's left? Who would you vote for?

None of those candidates. I might vote for Johnson in the primary and then 3rd party during the general election. I'm not going to vote for the lesser of evils, that seems pointless to me.

Obviously the game is rigged, so there is no perfect answer.
Why are we still going along with this charade? It astounds me that these people gain any support at all- how stupid do you have to be to have faith in someone like Herman Cain?

There should be a 'shuffle' option for the American public to vote on that lets us dump all the current candidates and get a new batch, and we can keep doing this until they produce someone who isn't downright evil and villainous.

I don't think there is any difference, at all. I think they are all fucking assholes on both sides. The only redeeming quality about Cain is that he was poor and black and he somehow came out the other end rich which is more than can be said for the rest of them.

I've never voted in my life and I probably never will, it's pointless and a complete waste of time because no mater who wins nothing ever changes. It's just entertainment for me the same way people watch sports and root for a sports team or player.
None of those candidates. I might vote for Johnson in the primary and then 3rd party during the general election. I'm not going to vote for the lesser of evils, that seems pointless to me.

Obviously the game is rigged, so there is no perfect answer.

Why even waste your time voting? This guy just voided your vote. So you just wasted 2 hours of your life fucking around at the polling station because this guy or someone even worse than him has a vote which is equal to yours and nothing better to do than go vote. The whole thing is fucking stupid and a huge waste of time. The public is going to get assholed no matter who wins.
Obama will win by a landslide (barring a surprise candidate no ones heard of yet) so this shits all moot.
Obama will win by a landslide (barring a surprise candidate no ones heard of yet) so this shits all moot.

Not sure if this is true, maybe that could be said a few months back but I think its getting closer by the day.