Here's the scenario (tipping related)

Do you tip a bellman for simply calling a taxi? Two different scenarios:

a.) taxi is in line waiting to pick up the next passenger
b.) no taxi line, bellman goes out to the street and hails one down
c.) no taxi line, shitty weather (rain, sleet, snow, etc.), you wait inside while he hails one down

for me it would be;

a.) $0
b.) $1 if I have a single available
c.) $3-5 depending on how long it takes

I'd give him $2 instead of $1, I feel like a one dollar tip for anything looks cheap.

1. $30 (just over 10% because it's excellent service. I tip 15-20% if I had my kid with me and they were cool to her. )
2. Zero
3. Probably zero, although maybe something.
5. Zero

But then I live in a country where we don't tip. If I was in the US, I'd probably follow local custom.

What I can't believe is that you'd tip when the service sucked? wtf?

This, although for 3, I would carry my bags, because I can't stand people doing shit for me - especially in some sort of fake deference.
17 dollaz if i'm on my own

if i'm with a honey badger then $0 (includes the bill)
if i'm with a honey badger then $0 (includes the bill)

1.) $40
2.) $0. If they look at me in disgust, I politely remind them to offer better service. Actually, maybe what my mom used to do when she was pissed with the service, and just leave a couple pennies. LOL, that brought back good memories. My mom would be all upset, "dumb broad, can't even get an order right!", then leave like a $0.03 tip, lol
3.) Depends on the country
4.) $5
1) $50
2) $15? IDK. Guess it depends on if I like him/her or not. If they're trying and just suck at their job, I might do more.
3) Apparently I've been cheap on this and didn't know it. I usually tip $2-3 depending, maybe more. Just depends on how much cash I have in my pocket.
4) $3-5. Most of the time $5 and I get excellent/fast service from most of the places I order.

I'm curious, how much do you guys tip cab drivers? The only time I really use them is in Vegas and I never know what to tip. I usually give them 20%.
Aw common, what's wrong with everybody? I already changed it 3 times in last 2 days..
and the face stays lol.

Its kinda sexy I like it

1) $100 tip but it was all prepaid and my guests have no idea how the bill got paid.
2) $0 tip and after speaking with the owner the waitress gets fired.
3) $100 bucks because I will need to find some party favors that night and he will know where to get them
4) $10 you dont want the pizza guy to screw you over when your all fucked up next time he comes
I loathe how tipping has become what was once a way of showing spontaneous appreciation of extroadirnary service - beyond what the job called for - into a form of employee subsidisation for business owners.

And as for having to tip someone in the US at a bar for serving you a drink... Guess it's a cultural thing being from the UK, as most of you seem ok with paying someone 20% of the bill just because they performed their job correctly.
1) 20% for good service, up to 30% for exceptional service.

2) Depends on the circumstances. I've worked in the business before so I know how shit can hit the fan. If they generally are trying, they are likely to still get 10% - 15%. If it's the kitchens fault you shouldn't destroy the server over it, talk to the manager and get comped. I've left nothing before when the server was a twat but often times I'd just leave some pocket change (if I had some). If you don't leave something it just looks like you weren't going to tip in the first place, so they are less likely to see the loss, and by leaving some change you send a stronger message.

3) I've never been to a hotel with a bellman so I have no idea, probably $5 but I probably wouldn't ever let a bellman touch my shit unless I really had to.

4) $5- $10 depending on how hungry I am, how late it is, and how drunk I am (which is the only time I would have it delivered).
1. $45
2. $20
3. $5-10 min 5 if I didn't have a 5 I'd just give him a 10
4. $5

Here's the scenario:

1) You went to a fancy restaurant and ended up with a bill of $250. Your server was excellent, service was great, and prompt. How much do you tip?

2) You went to the same fancy restaurant, and got the same bill. Service sucked, the waitress screwed up six times, and it took forever to get your food. How much do you tip?

3) A bellman brings up your luggage form your vehicle, explains the hotel and how everything works, gets you ice, and more coffee. You had six bags, and there are three of you. How much do you tip?

4) You order pizza. The total comes to $25. You have it delivered. It's delivered on time. How much do you tip?
I feel bad for both #3 and #4 as 99% of the time I have no cash on me (plastic 4 da points bitches).

Especially #3... i feel like a dick every time.
20% across the board

#2 I would speak to the manager and get a complimentary addition to my dinning. An incentive to come back
3) I've never been to a hotel with a bellman so I have no idea, probably $5 but I probably wouldn't ever let a bellman touch my shit unless I really had to.

We get a lot of people with that mindset. To be completely honest, we hate touching other people's stuff. And even if a bellman where I work has an intention to steal, the fact that there are six cameras trained on their movements at any given time usually thwarts that.
1) You went to a fancy restaurant and ended up with a bill of $250. Your server was excellent, service was great, and prompt. How much do you tip?


2) You went to the same fancy restaurant, and got the same bill. Service sucked, the waitress screwed up six times, and it took forever to get your food. How much do you tip?


3) A bellman brings up your luggage form your vehicle, explains the hotel and how everything works, gets you ice, and more coffee. You had six bags, and there are three of you. How much do you tip?


4) You order pizza. The total comes to $25. You have it delivered. It's delivered on time. How much do you tip?


I don't usually carry cash on me, so sucks for them if their business won't let me put it on the receipt.
$5 (but not realistic, I don't let anyone touch my shit; I don't even like it when people I know do it... I would have to be injured and carrying some real heavy shit)

One variable not mentioned is how often I'll be back. Places I go to frequently get better tips, even generous ones, since I get better service/bigger plates/better food (sometimes they will give me stuff for free since I'm such a good tipper and the waiter knows me). I mean, I've had free salads, drinks, deserts, etc just from developing rapport with a waiter. If I'm not going to be back, I will be much more stingy.