Here's a video of my software (Traffic Android)

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...and please do not release yet another software that requires manual typing the captcha. It complete defeats the point of "automated account creation".

Eh, I've got to say, not so much. It's quite simple to incorporate outsourcing very cheaply. I've noticed that with anything to do with captchas, there are two people - the kind that don't see much profit and therefore have to suck it up and do it themselves, or those who are earning quite a bit and when outsourcing captchas for a small fee is beneficial.

Captchas, unfortunately for the sites/companies that rely on them, are pretty meaningless as far as security / "spam prevention" goes. Either you sit and type them or pay someone else less than a penny to do so.

@elime - actually my goal for first release has been August 14 for a while, so I'll have *something* out at that point in any case. I'm just in the process of setting up a support/feedback forum right now so people can request/suggest and I'll have a good way of tracking what's posted.

Awesome man. If I may ask, do you have a rough ETA on when you'll have video sites functioning after the initial release? That plus the social sites is what makes me rather excited about your software - having everything in the same place. I mentioned video post robot before, will the uploading / details be somewhat similar to that program?
@Mr Websites - first release yeah, but we all start somewhere hey? One of the biggest problems sole software developers often have is that they spend too long trying to perfect software before getting something out the door that people can start testing and getting use from. Often it results in never getting anything out. There are a wide range of different types of marketers for something like this too. Some are more interested in auto-account creation than others. I will of course be trying to make sure I make this as useful across the board as I can. I do hope people don't download it and if it's missing something they want, they don't just assume that what they are looking at is all it's ever going to be. I have a lot of plans for developing this software heavily beyond what is in the video.
The downside to that is people buy a product expecting frequent update and often they don't come.

Example, i bought Efficient PPC a while back. the software itself is not bad. but i bought it under the impression new features would frequently be coming out (as promised). So far there has not been a new version put out since i bought it. just one small bug fix. thats it. Not the promised new features. They keep saying they will release it in a few weeks. a month goes by. nothing. then they say the same crap again...
Also I don't see why whether or not it has an interface alters how easy it is to automate. In one scenario you type commands and in the other you fill in boxes. It's just two ways of handling the same thing really. In both cases they can sit there in the background doing what they do. That said, I have built the entire engine so that it will run without an interface; there just is no way yet to provide data inputs other than via the interface. I may open up command-line operation if there is demand for it.
It's not about program or how it operates or looks. It's all about not having to run Windows machine to run it. I prefer the option that I can just install my script to any box that has php5 & mysql and abuse the fuck out of it and then move on.

That's just the way it goes...

I agree that it's faster to type in just captchas than do everything manually but personally I have never understood these whitehat wannabe greyhat mentality. It's like you want to do dark side but then you do half-assed manual things that 1000000+n people do too.

Why not learn how to do social engineering and manipulate Digg and go purely whitehat promotion OR go entirely blackhat and do all the way with automation and link spamming. I just don't understand what's the point of risking your WH site with stuff that could be seen as spam and getting penalized for that.
Fair enough. Obviously there's a market there though. And it's worth noting that you obviously have your own preferences about how you do your marketing and as such, so do other people. If I were to go into this thinking I could please everybody, I'd fail from day one.
Fair enough. Obviously there's a market there though. And it's worth noting that you obviously have your own preferences about how you do your marketing and as such, so do other people. If I were to go into this thinking I could please everybody, I'd fail from day one.
When is it going to become available?
I tried the free trial version and it won't even load on my Vista equipped laptop.

Right after "checking for updates" it crashes.
Yeah that's my crapness in not realising there's certain things you can't do in Vista unless you're an administrator. I'll fix in a future version but try "Run as Administrator" if you want to get it working in the mean time.
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