Here's a video of my software (Traffic Android)

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Se let me get this right.. you are releasing a tool that does submission to about 10 social sites? And why is this worth buying when it takes about 2 hours to code this kind of software (CLI of course with a twist of cron) and not to mention that your software doesn't create you accounts...

Am I missing something?
No dude. Not 10 sites. Didn't read anything earlier I posted hey? This is a pre-beta video and the video only shows 10 services, but there are way more than ten. The point was to show how the software works.

@narsticle I apologise if it seemed spammy, fair enough. That aside though, @micfire ... jeez. breathe, Nathan, breathe... I clearly explained all this in the video. I understandif you can't be bothered watching it. Totally fair. It is 10 minutes after all. But it's hardly fair if you scan through it a touch, jump to a bunch of conclusions and then flame me for the content. That's not particularly good due diligence on your part.

That's great that you can write scripts and cron jobs and stuff that do this. Not everybody is a linux genius like you though, you might be surprised to know. did you know that 99.9% of people don't have that skill set? Shocking, I know.

My software will have WAY more than 10 services at release. Not too long after release it will have account creation. It also distributes the tasks over time. I could go on, but I suspect you were more interested in being a negative nancy than offering any real constructive feedback.
@Mr Websites - first release yeah, but we all start somewhere hey? One of the biggest problems sole software developers often have is that they spend too long trying to perfect software before getting something out the door that people can start testing and getting use from. Often it results in never getting anything out. There are a wide range of different types of marketers for something like this too. Some are more interested in auto-account creation than others. I will of course be trying to make sure I make this as useful across the board as I can. I do hope people don't download it and if it's missing something they want, they don't just assume that what they are looking at is all it's ever going to be. I have a lot of plans for developing this software heavily beyond what is in the video.
I personally think it looks like good software. I don't post to social sites but im sure it can be very usefull for those who do.

You should add proxy support for those are going to mass post
Heard about this yesterday and watched the video.

I've got to say that I'm actually fairly positive about this software. Sure, it's possible to set up automation by yourself for what it does (I don't think you'd have to be a 'linux genius' either), but I'd rather save the time/effort/general pain in the ass and buy a nicely designed app to do it all - provided it's at a reasonable price.

If it can do all the social sites, video sites, automated account creation for each, and updates come in quickly when necessary...pretty damn good. I'd be tossing video post robot, I can say that much.

Though I will yield a bit for my spam-flaming brethren and say this probably should have been in B/S/T.

@OP, good luck, looking forward to checking your app out. You're releasing in a couple weeks as I gather?

You should add proxy support for those are going to mass post

It's the account creation that I would be particulary interested in, since many other softwares can take care of the the submissions. Although the application is definitely useful, I would hold out on purchasing it until that's an option.
@elime - actually my goal for first release has been August 14 for a while, so I'll have *something* out at that point in any case. I'm just in the process of setting up a support/feedback forum right now so people can request/suggest and I'll have a good way of tracking what's posted.

@Mr Websites - noted. I have had more than one person asking for that, so it's got a very high priority after the initial social media site support is complete.
@BigWill - I am testing proxy stuff at the moment. I have two avenues here. The mshtml control (IE6/7 in a box) is being used behind the scenes to make the clicking/automating more reliable than simply scraping html and using regular expressions to figure out what to post back and so I can capture screenshots of what each task does, but because of this, it uses the internet options from the control panel which means I'd have to rotate the settings there automatically. This isn't too much of an issue as long as the person using the software isn'tusing IE for general browsing (and they should be slapped if they are). My other option is I'm interested in spending some time getting the webkit (Safari engine for those not in the know) bundled into the application and using that instead of the IE control. This would allow me to restrict the proxy rotation just to the application and not to everything that uses Internet Options for internet settings. It would take a little longer to develop though as I have to jump through some hoops to get WebKit to work from .Net code.
With account creation I assume it would be breaking regular captchas but what about recaptchas?(if these sites are not currently in the process of being at that point, they will be soon)
With account creation I assume it would be breaking regular captchas but what about recaptchas?(if these sites are not currently in the process of being at that point, they will be soon)

as us craigslisters know, recaptchas a bitch
@chatmasta - heh yeah I get very anal with laying stuff out and trying to make things look just right. I think that's a good thing though. People perceive your product better if it's pretty.
The interface looks great. I was just wondering the differences between something like bookmarking demon or using onlywire? Have you decided on a price yet?
@micfire ... jeez. breathe, Nathan, breathe... I clearly explained all this in the video. I understandif you can't be bothered watching it. Totally fair. It is 10 minutes after all. But it's hardly fair if you scan through it a touch, jump to a bunch of conclusions and then flame me for the content. That's not particularly good due diligence on your part.

That's great that you can write scripts and cron jobs and stuff that do this. Not everybody is a linux genius like you though, you might be surprised to know. did you know that 99.9% of people don't have that skill set? Shocking, I know.

My software will have WAY more than 10 services at release. Not too long after release it will have account creation. It also distributes the tasks over time. I could go on, but I suspect you were more interested in being a negative nancy than offering any real constructive feedback.
However I still don't see anything new or useful in your software. Of course it's just my opinion but if you really want to do something efficiently, windows program just isn't the answer. In my mind programs with UI are good for doing things once, but programs that run in command line are way more useful and easier to actually fully automate.

But that being said, I'm 100% sure some people will love this software and find it very useful. My needs are just way bigger than what this kind of program can do. But I might be interested on account creation part, it kinda depends on what it can do.. and please do not release yet another software that requires manual typing the captcha. It complete defeats the point of "automated account creation".
please do not release yet another software that requires manual typing the captcha. It complete defeats the point of "automated account creation".

I don't entirely agree. I do agree of course that it's amazingly useful not to have to type anything and to literally hit a button and know that it'll get done, but there is definitely a massive speed increase in account creation if all you have to is fill in 10 captchas and all 50 accounts are created for you (as in, only some signups require captchas to be filled in).

I think there is a market for both and as such I am likely to provide both options depending on what add-ons you opt for.

Also I don't see why whether or not it has an interface alters how easy it is to automate. In one scenario you type commands and in the other you fill in boxes. It's just two ways of handling the same thing really. In both cases they can sit there in the background doing what they do. That said, I have built the entire engine so that it will run without an interface; there just is no way yet to provide data inputs other than via the interface. I may open up command-line operation if there is demand for it.
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