Help with company name..

How about taking some local landmark, and working on variations like that? My business name is based on my initials, but I've considered changing it to something like "two rivers consulting" (two rivers go through this town, and we live near where they meet).

My dad always said your business name should start with "A" -- his bookkeeping firm was "ABC (A Bookkeeping Company)".

There's lots of cute names up there. What you need is something semi-memorable you can put on your cards and invoices, that won't embarrass you to be answering the phone ("Hello, Neil and Bob's Cuntsulting, how may we help you"). Something people can find and that people will remember.

Agate Design. Apollo Design. Apple Design. Wait, you probably want to scratch that one.

Get the business and domain name done, stop worrying about it, and make your work memorable for your clients. Then they'll *want* to remember Almond Eyes Design.
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How about taking some local landmark, and working on variations like that? My business name is based on my initials, but I've considered changing it to something like "two rivers consulting" (two rivers go through this town, and we live near where they meet).

My dad always said your business name should start with "A" -- his bookkeeping firm was "ABC (A Bookkeeping Company)".

There's lots of cute names up there. What you need is something semi-memorable you can put on your cards and invoices, that won't embarrass you to be answering the phone ("Hello, Neil and Bob's Cuntsulting, how may we help you"). Something people can find and that people will remember.

Agate Design. Apollo Design. Apple Design. Wait, you probably want to scratch that one.

Get the business and domain name done, stop worrying about it, and make your work memorable for your clients. Then they'll *want* to remember Almond Eyes Design.

Thanks for the advice, much appreciated!
This contest is so blatantly rigged.

Guy who suggests Fapwerks gets a handjob for making an effort.

Yet My EyeDolize Designs with description of a brand and logo as well gets dick all?

I'm going to call you TJ.

Listen up TJ. Branding, it's all about that.

PepSee Webdesign for example

longs are fun, and can be viral, but there hard to remember.

honestly if you can market, you can market and call yourself, and still bank. This forum, people only have names for tax reasons usually. It matters, but depending on a lot of factors, like capital, and product.

Since you put forth a little effort I'm willing to give you option 3 for free, sound good?
Left-handed three finger? With a backhand twisty happy ending? :thumbsup:

Oh, and ignore the whole "Begins with A" thingy- that's because his old man did business in the dark ages of the Yellow pages, when it was required to have a first listing there. Gurgle could give a fuck how you spell your name for serp ;) (incorporates your username BrokeMofo & a slogan "Mo Fo Yo Dough"?) or simply (both are available to reg at this time).

It's Friday so reserving my brain cells for the weekend! LOL

Good luck!
Metro Designs

Please excuse if these are horrid, I am just trying to help ...

Synthetic Media
Synthetic Designs
Syphon Media / Syphon Designs
Division Media / Division Designs
Designetics Inc.
TDIITD Designs (The Devil is in the Details Designs)
DITD Designs (Devil in the details Designs)
BetterThanThem Designs / Media
mofro designers, inc.
Fun and Fund designs
MediaMakers Inc
Designeroni LLC
Trigger Designs
Danger Designs
Aphex Visual Media
Axis Visual Media
Axial Visual Media
Avante Design Services
Failure Free Media
Littlefoot Designs
Bigfoot Designs
Tried & True Media
Blinding Works Media
Amazingly Graced Designs
FunkJunction Designs
Junction Designs
Ping Designs
Easy Win Media
For The Win Media
For the Win designs
Rapid Design Group
Calc Group Media
Cardinal One Media
Great Gopher Designs
Greatest Gopher Designs
Share the Warez Media
iconic media
iconic designs
fourth generation media designs
broken generation media designs
another generation media
generation torn media
generation media
generation designs
some generation designs
new generation media
revolt designs and media inc.
revolt and revolution inc
the teardown division
the ecodream division
the design society
socrates of design inc
slow motion theatre

more if I start feeling the juices....
Haha thanks guys, gave me a couple laughs here and there.

deStone, thanks for creating that list of names, but none of them really jump at me so if you have any other names you'd like to mention, then by all means, go ahead.
Okay, so I thought about things a little and have narrowed it down to exactly what it is I'm looking for, kind of.

If anyone's still willing to help out, here are some things I'm looking for in the name or domain name.

  • I want a two word name (unless you come up with something irresistible)
  • One of the words have to mean the same as or something similar to 'growth' (ie profit, gain, up, progress, return, rise - anything really long as it's appealing/attractive)
  • The other word, just anything that flows with the other. I kind of like "media, solutions, web," something like that, I can't really think of other words related to those at the moment.
And some more titties for your overworked brains:
















find an old design company that's gone out of business, take their name and url... free leads!