Help! What do I do with 1 million eyeballs?


New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Hey guys, I've made a horror comedy film, and it's finished. It's a sendup to 80s b horror movies. I filmed it in 2008 with 50k that I raised on FB, and I've been working my ass off for the last year to finish the movie.


Over the last few months I've been doing some private theatrical screenings and Film Festival screenings. Horror fans love it, and industry people are really into it as well. The plan was to take it to festivals over the coming months, get lots of buzz and get a distributor from that and then get into netflix and itunes and all that.

However, just 2 days ago I was contacted by BitTorrent who wants to do a Halloween release of the movie for free as part of their artist spotlight program. I'm a big supporter of free media, so I'm totally game for doing an official torrent in partnership with bittorrent.

They told me that they would have between 500,000 and 1,000,000 people download the film easily - that's huge exposure, and potentially a lot of traffic to the website! They've done this with 3 other films this year and they've all received over 1 million downloads to date.

BitTorrent can help by bundling the torrent download with a message that will will help you with whatever your goals are, whether they are selling 5000 dvds or getting 20,000 emails on the list, etc

I want to make sure that I take full advantage of this opportunity.

I have a facebook game in the works (HarmVille - The Horror Movie Game on Facebook | Facebook) and I'm making an iphone app as well for it...

The current site is not very optimized to capture email leads or direct people to buy shit ... I do have a mailchimp account, but no autoresponder series is written yet ... I just occasionally send an update to the list with a contest or new major development.

The Legend Of The Psychotic Forest Ranger The Movie | Coming soon in 2011..

My goal would be to:

1) Tell everyone that we are indie filmmakers and horror fans who made this movie with 50k that we raised on Facebook.

2) Make sure everyone who watches the movie is asked (via a video that plays before the movie, and whatever bittorrent can do for us) to go to the website and consider making a small donation or supporting us by purchasing a dvd/poster/shirt if they like what we are doing.

3) Capture as many emails as possible

4) Get as many facebook likes as possible

5) Sell as many DVDs, shirts, posters as possible

6) Get as many free users to the iphone game and facebook game as we can

7) Build up some strong credibility for the film, and get a bit of a following with horror fans so I can have something to bring to producers and distributors for the sequel.

This is happening in like 3 weeks, I don't think I'm fully ready, and I'm taking suggestions ... what would you do with 1 million eyeballs (besides sending them to 2girls1cup)

Congrats. Sounds like a cool flick. Would love to see it.
Did bittorrent provide you with the names of the others that they did this with? If so, check out their sites/fb and see how they are capitalizing
Congrats. Sounds like a cool flick. Would love to see it.
Did bittorrent provide you with the names of the others that they did this with? If so, check out their sites/fb and see how they are capitalizing
Good luck with it! I might have to download when released.

Can you announce when it is available on WF?
Congrats. Sounds like a cool flick. Would love to see it.
Did bittorrent provide you with the names of the others that they did this with? If so, check out their sites/fb and see how they are capitalizing
Congrats. Sounds like a cool flick. Would love to see it.
Did bittorrent provide you with the names of the others that they did this with? If so, check out their sites/fb and see how they are capitalizing
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