Help me negotiate a lease

I see your point - the lease would cost you about the same you have left to pay on your Tundra...but really it doesn't sound like a "good" financial decision unless you have the cash to pay it off. It might impress the ladies, but when people find out its just a lease that kinda ruins the wow factor.

I say save your money and trade in your Tundra for something more sporty...sounds like you're tired of dealing with a giant truck.

BMW way to go 5 year 50,000 mile warranty everything, including oil changes. My navigation system went out on me around 10k miles it was covered would have cost around 1700+ to replace
Just to clear a few things up. I CAN afford to buy the car, but I WANT to lease it because I like having a new car every 2-3 years. I don't like dealing with cars that breakdown, etc. Just because you are leasing a vehicle doesn't mean you can't afford it. I LOL'ed at that stupid ass comment.

And yeah, I like the car - not many luxury cars available at $64K that have 420HP, and you don't see on every damn street light as you drive down the road. I am so sick and tired of seeing BMW's my eyes are going to fucking bleed.
the argument of ... on noes.. it is a lease... he is a luzer.. is totally retarded.

be it a lease or not an expensive car is an expensive car.. and actually , having a lease means youll need to get another car in 3 years so that argument actually works the opposite way: you WILL buy another car in 3 years instead of staying with a clunker
The reason you see BMWs everywhere is because they are far superior cars. If you want to see Jags everywhere visit some repair shops. And HP doesn't mean shit if the car can't handle.
yeah seriously leasing is the biggest waste of money on the planet, next to renting an apartment if you have the cash for a down payment. if you can't afford the nice car, don't buy it.

You have yet to understand cashflow and the opportunity cost of money.

If you drop $64k on a car, even if you can afford it, you have just lost $64k worth of purchasing power. If you can find a way (eg. through AM) to use that $64k to make money then it makes sense to keep your $64k and get the same thing for $1100/mo.

Throw in the fact that leases (on anything, not just cars) are far more tax effective then leasing wins almost every time.

When people say "rent money is dead money" I just want to smash them in the face with a cluestick. Look at it this way. If you need to take out a mortgage when you buy a house, you're still renting - but instead of renting a house/apartment you are now renting money from the bank.

The only time it makes more sense to buy (esp. houses) is when it's an emotional thing (ie. you wife "wants a house"), if you want to ensure a landlord can't kick you out or if you want to do renovations/remodeling.
The reason you see BMWs everywhere is because they are far superior cars. If you want to see Jags everywhere visit some repair shops. And HP doesn't mean shit if the car can't handle.

I'm not speed racer dude, so handling isn't a big factor for me, straight line speed however, is nice. I wouldn't say BMW is a far superior car, but thats my opinion. Motortrend has a similar opinion.
just for the record I didn't mean to make it sound that a lease wasn't smart, it is in some cases.
but the reason I mentioned it would lose the wow factor would be if you were living so far above your means that you had no real liquidity, and were just collecting more debt...thus making it a poor financial decision.
but you said you have the cash... so that negates that.
The reason you see BMWs everywhere is because they are far superior cars. If you want to see Jags everywhere visit some repair shops. And HP doesn't mean shit if the car can't handle.
just because everyone has one doesn't mean it's better, and jaguar has been making beasts of reliable cars singe 95 when they overhauled all the cars from the inside out. The plan was finalized in 2000 with the introduction of the crap ass x-type. the s-type and better are where the baller is at. you won't find the attention to detail that is in a jaguar in a lexus or bmw.
Buy a car outright with cash.

Problem solved.

And if you can't afford it, well, too fuckin' bad.
Cars aren't assets ... unless they are classic. Houses aren't assets ... unless you rent them out at a premium. Never get talked into the concept of leases being a bad thing.

True assets make you money, that's where your cash should be spent.

If you want to pick up a new ride every few years, I say lease till your little heart is content. But sorry, I can't help with your lease ... I prefer to buy old and drive a non-flashy car. My cock is big enough that I don't have a complex.
pay cash for a car, easy solution, and eliminates monthly payments. just takes longer to save up for. it's not to make it an asset, it's more of to keep your cashflow more in the black than having to pay a lease or an auto loan payment. buy a car that's got less than 1000mi on it so it's like new, but someone else took the depreciation hit.
There's still a lot of depreciation waiting to happen after 1k miles. I agree with you in principal that it's better to have something than nothing & not flex your credit muscles but it's all about priorities. New & Flashy or Nice & Conservative. If the OP chooses the former, than a lease is probably a smart(ish) move.

With high end cars, buying "almost new" will still cost you 10's of 1000's that you won't get back.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad FTW!
you won't find the attention to detail that is in a jaguar in a lexus or bmw.
i disagree. i pulled up next to an xf yesterday and though it seemed like a $35k car. looks good - kind of aston-like from the back end, but from the side it looks like an accord or some other generic suburban ride. the vent thing on the side looks kind of stuck on as an afterthought. no offense to OP, just sayin'.

as for not many luxury cars being available with 420 or so hp around the $65k mark, an audi S5 is far superior to an XF...
There's still a lot of depreciation waiting to happen after 1k miles. I agree with you in principal that it's better to have something than nothing & not flex your credit muscles but it's all about priorities. New & Flashy or Nice & Conservative. If the OP chooses the former, than a lease is probably a smart(ish) move.

With high end cars, buying "almost new" will still cost you 10's of 1000's that you won't get back.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad FTW!

ahah yeah - my dad was one that started poor, then worked up to the top, so i've got both ends there. my dad is of the "pay cash, even on a new car, but dicker them down to a good price or just walk away" mentality. in times like right now it works great, because they just want a sale - ANY sale. cash will get you a better price, even if you do have an 800+ credit score.
There's still a lot of depreciation waiting to happen after 1k miles. I agree with you in principal that it's better to have something than nothing & not flex your credit muscles but it's all about priorities. New & Flashy or Nice & Conservative. If the OP chooses the former, than a lease is probably a smart(ish) move.

With high end cars, buying "almost new" will still cost you 10's of 1000's that you won't get back.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad FTW!

I have a rich dad and a big penis, however, I have my own monies :D Getting a nice car has nothing to do with a "complex" - to me its more about reaping the rewards from my hard work.