Health and Dental Insurance for Self Employed?


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Canton, Ohio
Seeing as how a lot of us are self employed - I'm wondering what you guys do for insurance?

Being in college I'm still able to be under my parents insurance which I am - but I'm trying to get everything in order for when I'm done and will need my own insurance.

So who is the best provider of personal or self employed insurance? I doubt it's worth it to get a company plan for 2 people - but if it is let me know.

Any actual insurance advertisers here feel free to PM me rates.

Where are you based UK or US. I get full Bupa cover which gives me full health and dental care for about £300 a month.
Corporate rates for small business are usually on a 2-50 employee basis. You might be better off shoping for individual health coverage unless you meet that threshold but once you bring healthcare into your business it becomes a pain in the ass.
health insurance is regulated state-by-state so even companies that are in a bunch of states might be competitive in some and overpriced in others. if you want to get a bunch of quotes has a really good comparison engine. careful with other leadgen type sites... i know how many times i resell the data, you probably don't want to end up on that list :x
I get free dental services from my dentist. All you have to do is google a couple dentists in your home city, see which one is low down on the search result, then tell him you'll do some major SEO work (which won't take you very long if you know what you're doing), and you'll get him into the first page result.

Throw stats on organic traffic at him and you'll probably snag one that will do free cleanings and crap for you. At the very least you should be able to get a hefty discount if you pay cash.
Get 3 girlfriends, a doctor, a dentist, and a lawyer and make sure they never know about each other. Your life's problems should now be solved, unless the lawyer chick finds out...
also if you slack on getting to the dentist and don't think you'll need real insurance, the discount plans on can save a bunch of money and i think a lot of them are only like $150/year. also since it's just discounts not insurance there is no waiting period (most dental insurance wants you to wait x months before they'll pay for y service so you're not just buying it because something is already wrong)
Just get an individual unless you have 5 or more employees. United Healthcare is good and so is Blue Cross Blue Shield.
I have a high-deductible, low premium health insurance plan through Golden Rule that only covers hospital admissions. For out-patient visits, they have negotiated rates that get passed on to the insured. Basically, just stop-gap protection for car accidents and other bad shit.

I have a prescription discount card trhough my business CC. For dental, none of the discount plans were worth it - annual checkup and cleaning out of pocket is less than the cost of the plan. My dentist gives uninsured patients a 20% discount, so it pays to ask for one.

The best health care plan in America is to not get sick or injured.
27 / m non smoker / kasier permenente ( - may not be available in your area) - $98/mo PPO with a max yearly out of pocket expenditure of $2500. (and they have a sweet online system that keeps all your records / doctors/ scripts in sync)

This is my health plan... dental is another $24/mo

and yes..The best health care plan in America is to not get sick or injured.
My dentist gives uninsured patients a 20% discount, so it pays to ask for one.
The dentist probably ends up with more money by working on an uninsured patient for 80% pay, than to take whatever crap reimbursement the insurance company gives him.
The dentist probably ends up with more money by working on an uninsured patient for 80% pay, than to take whatever crap reimbursement the insurance company gives him.

Without a doubt. It's still cheaper for me to take the 20% discount he gives and pay the rest out of pocket than pay for a dental plan. Just be sure to brush and floss and rinse real good.
I pay $450/mo for vision, dental, health.
$1500 reserved for dental
they pay 85% of the bill for dental
health is covered, $10 copay, $20copay specialist
$300 reserved for vision either glasses or contact exams + contacts
I used to use Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. All was good until about a year ago when I needed some rather expensive tests done, and they said it wasn't covered by my plan (which I thought it would be). Needless to say, I had to pay out of pocket anyway so I dropped them. Still looking for something decent, I'd also be interested if anyone can suggest anything.

Also, good call on looking up local dentists/doctors and offering to trade seo/design work for their services. I may actually try something like that.
We had a coverage of a woman on the news getting all heated towards her congressman or senator or whatever you call them over there about healthcare saying she didn't want her country to become socialistic (sic) like Russia. When the best form of health care plan is hope you don't get sick becoming socialistic (sic) would probably be the least of her problems!
Once you bring insurance to your business it is nothing but headaches. Go for the individual insurance route and dont skimp on the coverage, I'm a firm believer that health insurance is one thing you should always have on point. I personally use Blue cross and blue shield and they are awesome. No need for referrals to specialists and can pick from virtually any doc.
Get 3 girlfriends, a doctor, a dentist, and a lawyer and make sure they never know about each other. Your life's problems should now be solved, unless the lawyer chick finds out...

Now thats thinking with your little head