Heading to College

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New member
Dec 16, 2006
In a few months I'm going to college, but i wanted your guys suggestion on what to study. I'm really interested in something that has to do with computers.

I don't really think you should be asking US what YOU want to do.

If you're undecided, take some classes you think will interest you and see where that takes you. If you like computers then take some programming classes to see if that's what you want to do.

You don't want to end up with a major that doesn't even interest you. Who the hell wants a boring job they hate?
i wouldn't suggest becoming a specialist unless you plan to work for a man all your life
I don't really think you should be asking US what YOU want to do.

If you're undecided, take some classes you think will interest you and see where that takes you. If you like computers then take some programming classes to see if that's what you want to do.

You don't want to end up with a major that doesn't even interest you. Who the hell wants a boring job they hate?

Exactly. Most of the education achieved in college comes from getting along and interacting with people of different backgrounds. Follow your passion and don't just take a major that will lead to a paycheck. It's usually the other way around.....if you're passionate and motivated, you get WILL get paid.
There are many computer majors

Software Based Programming
Hardware Based Technical Support
Network Security

You have to see what you like
Study the medical major chicks.

Whatever you do don't go into hardware engineering. Its like waking up every morning and getting kicked in the balls.
College.... why...You should sign up for the army. 1 weekend a month(you get to sleep). 2 weeks a year(you get to come home from iraq.) I don't know why they stopped the commercials from a few years ago. I bet i'd be over there if they still had them running.
Do whatever makes you happy. Because in the end, you're the one that has to deal with the decision that you made.
Whatever you do, make sure you go somewhere else than where you are now. Preferably somewhere warm with an extended bikini season. College is all about growing up and experiencing life. Can't do that when you live at home or in your hometown hanging with all your going nowhere friends.

Life ends at 28, don't waste your best years eating mom's meatloaf or cuddling on the couch with your high school sweat heart.

Move to the coast, join a band, and eat some acid. Oh yeah at least show up to your classes, no need to study, just show up everyday. That'll keep you passing.
Take some graphic design / multimedia classes? Personally I wouldn't recommend those just because its stuff you can learn on your own. Just do something you love.

More importantly, have a shitload of fun. College is the only time in your life where you can commit near felonies and get away with it.
You could always just major in business management, so that you are not tied down to one industry. A business degree will work in any industry and "could" help you with your online ventures.
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